Professorship/Associate Professorship Call 2014 – Advisory Sessions

To support the Professorship/Associate Professorship call announced by the Vice Chancellor, Dr Steve Wyn Williams will run two sessions that are designed to guide prospective applicants on the conferment process and criteria.

The sessions will be held on:-


  • Monday 3rd March at 9.30 am in Cadman Conference Room, Cadman Building, Stoke
  • Monday 10 March at 10.00 am in C346, Beacon Building, Stafford


Both sessions will run for around two hours

In order to ensure that there is sufficient time for questions and discussion, attendance will be capped at thirty members of staff at each session. If necessary an additional session will be arranged during early March.

Places must be booked and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. To book a place, please email Richard Gorton: by no later than 24th February.  When replying, please state whether your booking is for 3rd or 10th March.

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Horizon 2020: Update on UK National Contact Point events

Several UK Horizon 2020 National Contact Points from the Science and Technology Facilities Council, the Medical Research Council, and the Economic and Social Research Council have organised a series of regional Horizon 2020 information days taking place over the next two months.

The events will provide an overview of Horizon 2020 and legal and financial issues, and include sessions on:

  • Research Infrastructures;
  • Societal Challenge 1 – Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing;
  • Social Sciences and Humanities embedded across Horizon 2020;
  • Societal Challenge 6 – Europe in a Changing World: Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies; and
  • Science with and for Society.

    The events planned are as follows:

  • Edinburgh – Monday 17 March event web page.
  • London – week beginning 24 March (exact date tbc)




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Students as Partners – research funding available


Higher Education Academy call for proposals –  The impact of pedagogies of partnership on the student learning experience in UK higher education

The Higher Education Academy (HEA) recognises ‘Students as Partners’ as a priority thematic area to enhance student learning through regarding students as active partners in their educational experiences. This theme explores student engagement in learning, teaching and research as well as quality enhancement and change. To support this work, the HEA have a call for proposals to commission research to:

  • increase understanding of pedagogical approaches that foster partnership and the impact on student learning
  • offer clear implications for teaching and learning practice

Proposals should be distinct from existing HEA and partner research in the area and can encompass qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches.  Funding of up to £20,000 is available, with a deadline for applications of 14th March 2014, with work to commence in May 2014.

Further information:

Call details

HEA information on Students as Partners theme

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EPSRC Manufacturing Advanced Functional Materials



EPSRC are inviting research proposals from consortia across the Engineering and Physical Sciences communities to address the manufacturing research challenges in developing applications, production technologies and future processes that incorporate advanced functional materials.


EPSRC are expecting to commit up to £10 Million on large, long term (up to five years), multidisciplinary programmes that capitalise on the UK’s growing research capability in functional materials and identify the most promising pathways for scale-up to applications and devices of these innovative materials. A two-stage process will be used to allocate the funding. This first stage of the call seeks expressions of interest to submit a full proposal. The submitted expressions of interests will be assessed at a short-listing panel in May 2014 and those that align appropriately with the scope for this call will be invited for the full proposal stage. The deadline for full proposals will be in July 2014 and these will be peer reviewed during the summer. Funding decisions are expected to be made in Autumn 2014


Closing date:15 April 2014

Type: Expression of interest


If you are interested in this call please email


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Royal Society Industry Fellowship

The Royal Society

This scheme is for academic scientists who want to work on a collaborative project with industry and for scientists in industry who want to work on a collaborative project with an academic organisation.

The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine.

It aims to enhance knowledge transfer in science and technology between industry and academia in the UK and provides a basic salary for the researcher and a contribution towards research costs.

The scheme is funded by the Royal Society, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, the Natural Environment Research Council, Rolls-Royce plc and BP plc.

 The applicant must:

  • have a PhD or be of equivalent standing in their profession
  • hold a permanent post in a university, not-for-profit research organisation or industry in the UK
  • be at a stage in their career when they would benefit from establishing or strengthening personal or corporate links between academia and industry as a foundation for long-term collaboration and development

Applications involving spin-offs or small companies are encouraged.

Applicants should ensure that they meet all the eligibility requirements, which are explained in the scheme notes (PDF).

The scheme provides the applicant’s basic salary while on secondment. The employing organisation continue to pay national insurance and pension contributions.

Research expenses may be claimed up to the value of £2,000 per year. Awards can be for any period up to two years full-time or a maximum of four years pro rata, i.e. an award could be held at 50% part-time for four years enabling fellows to maintain links with their employing institution more easily.

For further information go to:

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Valuing Consultancy Services: Benedetti v Sawaris revisited

This short note of the appeal in Benedetti, is an attempt to summarise parts of the decision from the extraordinarily learned judgment of Lord Reed, and Lords Clarke and Neuberger, which emphasise the following:

Where ‘Services’ are provided without agreement – regard should be had to Objective market value or market price, at the time of the provision of the service – the value to the recipient of the services is assessed on an objective basis, i.e. the price which a reasonable person in the position of the Defendant would have paid for the Services.

The arguments of the Appellant included whether it should be the value the parties put on the services? Including the late offers by the Defendants, the answer was a decisive no, as Lord Clarke emphasised below:

Lord Clarke at paragraph 30:

‘In the present case it is accepted that Mr Benedetti’s services had an objective value. The issue is whether subjective revaluation can be relied upon, not in order to identify a benefit, but in order to value the benefit so conferred. In my opinion, that is not permissible. Although there is some academic support for such a solution, there is no authority for the proposition that, in cases where a benefit has an objective market value, the Claimant should be entitled to invoke the Defendant’s subject willingness to pay a higher sum for the benefit as reason for valuing the benefit at a higher rate.’

Market value depends critically upon the identification of the relevant market and it is ‘specific to a given place at a given time’. As Lord Reed illustrated using the episode in Vanity Fair – Becky Sharp employing the panic of the British community in Brussels, selling horses prior to rumour of an impending attack by Napoleon (per Lord Reed paragraph 105); Becky obtained a price far in excess of ordinary value. Identification of the market you are in, is perhaps a little paradoxically, an important element in identifying ‘objective’ market value.

Save in exceptional circumstances, the principle of ‘subjective revaluation’ was not recognised; either for identifying a benefit, or for valuing a benefit received. Mr Sawaris made a late offer (i.e. after provision of Services by Mr Benedetti) of €75.1m to Mr Benedetti who he valued highly and wanted to be ‘generous’ to. This late offer, in the absence of contractual agreement, was not to be the high water mark for the enrichment – in addition to the €67 million Mr Benedetti already received for consultancy services.

What lessons can be learnt from the great case of Benedetti?

‘Value’ of consultancy should be governed by an agreement of the parties, by contract, otherwise the Court will have to determine market value – and strive for a measure of objective value. ‘Contract is King’ in all likelihood as Mr Howard, Counsel for Mr Benedetti said in discussion; but if you want to agree value for Services, agree a price.
There was a distinct theme that the Consultant in the case eluded all labels by which a measure for consultancy services could be fixed – was he an investment banker? No. A broker? No, probably not, too limited as a definition. A promoter? Too vague as a definition. This made it (in my view) all too easy for the Defendants to corral the Claimant into a (rough and ready) market rate and reduce the enrichment gained by Mr Sawaris to zero. The Supreme Court upheld judge’s conclusion as to ‘valuation by brokerage’; in the sum of €36.3m. (0.1 to 0.3% of the transaction value). In which case, in light of the fact that Mr Benedetti had already received €67m, he had already achieved, a quantum meruit, ‘as much as he deserved’.

The case (and the judgment of Lord Reed) can be found at:

Click to access UKSC_2011_0087_Judgment.pdf

The helpful Supreme Court Press Summary of the case can be found at:

Click to access UKSC_2011_0087_PressSummary.pdf

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Innovation Grants for Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s UK has three funding calls over the year open to their innovation fund. They are interested in the healthcare services provided to people with Parkinson’s, this sounds like a good fit to some of the work areas within the Faculty of Health. As far as I am aware this is not a fund the University has gone for before, so it may be an interesting one to explore.

Funding Body: Parkinsons UK

Scheme: Innovation Grants

Overview: These support high-risk, high-reward research with focus on the causes, treatment and cure of Parkinson’s.

Innovative research might include:

•examining the delivery of healthcare services to people with Parkinson’s;

•exploring bold new ideas that could lay the foundations for bigger studies in the future;

•developing practical improvements for the lives of people with Parkinson’s and their carers.

Research proposals must have a solid rationale, but do not require a significant level of preliminary data.

Applications are encouraged from basic scientists, clinicians and healthcare professionals, including physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, alternative therapists, nurses and practitioners. Grants are tenable at universities, research institutions or hospital trusts.

Budget: Grants are worth up to £35,000 for a maximum of 12 months.

Deadlines: 26 March 2014, 14 May 2014 and 10 September 2014

Further Information:


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NIHR event at Staffordshire University – March 19th 2014




We are delighted to be hosting a full day of information and discussion devoted to the opportunities offered by the National Institute for Health Research,, and are looking forward to welcoming specialists in the research fields of Public Health, Health Technology Assessment and Patient Benefit as well as the Research Design Service.This will be a great opportunity to network with colleagues within and external to the University.

 Please book your place via

 NIHR funding opportunities in Public Health and Patient Benefit

 Weds 19th March 2014 – Ashley Centre Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent

 09-30 -10-00 Coffee/ Networking -All

 10-00 – 10-10 Introduction to NIHR and Overview of the day- Prof. Tony Stewart, Staffordshire University

 10-10 – 11-40 Public Health Research and Health Technology Assessment funding opportunities –Phil Taverner, Assistant Director, NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies  

 11-40 -12-20 Round Table discussion – All

 12-20 – 13-30 Lunch/ Networking

 13-30- 14-30 Research for Patient Benefit –Bob Scott, NIHR Programme Manager West Midlands; Eleanor Garratt, NIHR Programme Manager East Midlands

 14-30- 15-00 NIHR Research Design Service- Roger Beech, Keele University

 15-00 -15-40 Round Table discussion – All

 15-40 – 16-00 Concluding remarks- Prof Tony Stewart, Staffordshire University

 16-00 CLOSE


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Bid writing training to support updated university policy

Following the recent Staffordshire University Research, Enterprise and Advanced Scholarship Committee our Advanced Scholarship Policy has been updated.  Now academic colleagues submitting funding proposals for research grants or knowledge transfer projects are able to count their proposal as a scholarly output. 

In order to support colleagues in their bid writing activities, a number of workshops have been arranged for FCES staff.  We still have a few places available and are able to offer these to colleagues from across the University.  Details are below.  If you would like to reserve a place, please contact us via  These sessions will also be offered during Staffs Fest.

Writing KTP Applications Wed 26th Feb 1:00pm – 4:00pm K152 Octagon Building
A Guide to Bid Writing Wed 26 March 1:00pm – 4:00pm K152 Octagon Building
Writing KTP Applications Wed 30th April 1:00pm – 4:00pm R350 Science Building

The updated Advanced Scholarship Policy can be viewed here: Advanced Scholarship FINAL V2 Jan 2014.


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BIG LOTTERY event a Great Success!

team 2

Pictured from left to right, Jose Beech, Stephna Davis-Watts, Holly Hoar

The External Projects Team hosted a BIG Lottery funding event on Wednesday in the Ashley building. Over 40 people from different organisations attended to hear Stephna from the BIG Lottery talk about the “Reaching Communities” (RC) fund. 

RC funds projects for 1-5 years with a clear community benefit, the fund has a 30% success rate and is prioritising a number of geographical locations in Staffordshire, including Tamworth, Newcastle-u-Lyme and East Staffs. Awards range from £10k to £500k. The four outcomes of the BIG Lottery Fund are:

  • People have better chances in life
  • Stronger communities
  • Improved rural and urban environments
  • Healthier and more active people and communities 

For more information please email

If you would like a copy of the slides or would like more information on opportunities to work in partnership please email the team at


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