European Commission Support for Societal Challenges

ICT for Societal Challenges: new publication on research and innovation projects

The European Commission has recently published a booklet to showcase projects and initiatives it has funded which utilise ICT to address a range of societal challenges.  This booklet provides good case studies of practical applications to issues such as independent living for the elderly, preservation of cultural heritage, energy saving and secure internet.  These challenges are a core component of future EU activity including the Digital Agenda for Europe strategy and Horizon 2020 funding programme, so the projects provide a useful reference point for EU best practice.

This booklet can be viewed at More information on the EU’s Digital Agenda for Europe strategy can be found at


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New funding opportunities with the NIHR PHR Programme

 Call for research proposals into smoking prevention – Open now

The following new commissioning briefs are now open for applications:

To support teams interested in applying to the smoking prevention briefs we will be holding a webinar at 10:00am on 29 May 2013.  If you are interested in participating please complete the application form available on our website by 3 May. Please note that places are limited.

The commissioning briefs, application deadlines and guidance notes can be found on our website.

Researcher-led call for proposals – Open now

The researcher-led workstream has now reopened for applications. Applicants can submit outline proposals at any time during the year, with three cut-off dates when applications will be considered by the Programme Advisory Board.

The next cut-off date for researcher-led applications is 30 July 2013 at 1pm.

In addition to our standard researcher-led call the PHR Programme encourages applications in the following areas:

Contact us
023 8059 9695



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Academic Health Science Centres competition 2013

The Department of Health has launched a new, open, two-stage competition to designate Academic Health Science Centres (AHSCs) in England.

The role of the newly designated AHSCs will be to increase strategic alignment of NHS providers and their university partner, specifically in world-class research, health education and patient care, in order to improve health and healthcare delivery, including through increased translation of discoveries from basic science into benefits for patients. AHSCs will be able to realise their potential as drivers of economic growth through research partnerships with commercial life science organisations.

The characteristics of the AHSCs will include:

  • strategic alignment of NHS provider and university objectives;
  • the highest volume, critical mass and world-class excellence in basic medical research;
  • the ability to translate findings from basic research into excellent translational, clinical and applied research across a range of interests;
  • ability to translate scientific advances into patient benefit, in order to improve patient care and healthcare delivery;
  • excellence in patient care;
  • excellence in health education;
  • strong partnership governance;
  • strong clinical informatics platform to underpin the delivery of AHSC objectives;
  • strong track record of, and capacity for, productive research collaborations with the life sciences industry and contribution to economic growth;
  • strong patient and public involvement and engagement.

The AHSC designation will be for five years, commencing 1 April 2014.

The NIHR Central Commissioning Facility (CCF) is managing the call and designation process on behalf of the Department of Health.

The closing date for submission of the Pre-qualifying Questionnaire by NHS provider/ university partnerships in England that are interested in being considered for AHSC designation is 31 May 2013 at 1.00pm.

The guidance document is available here.

The AHSC Pre-qualifying Questionnaire Application Form will be available from Wednesday 17th April 2013.

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NESTAS Creative Enterprise Programme –For Creative Supporters

Event for academics who are supporting students in the arts with enterprise

Title: NESTAS Creative Enterprise Programme –For Creative Supporters
Date: 22 -23 May 2013
Location: London
Cost: £600
More Details:
This new two day programme is aimed at Further and Higher Education professionals who support creative students and graduates to identify and reach their creative and professional aspirations.
Through this new programme Nesta will share a suite of creative enterprise methodologies; giving attendees the opportunity to try the tailored approaches and develop their own structured group and one to one sessions.
The materials can be embedded across all creative sectors from visual arts to digital technology, offering a flexible way of engaging students in enterprise and employability skills.
Who should attend: University and college lectures, tutors, careers and enterprise advisers and heads of departments – those who consider themselves ‘creative supporters’ who support students with professional development skills or enterprise and employability activities.
Further Details:

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What can the External Projects Team do for you?

A leaflet giving an overview of how the External Projects Team can help you.

This leaflet is crammed with links on where you can find funding information and how to access the External Projects Team blog, funding opportunities calendar and other information

Leaflet External Projects Team

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Research Funding for British Art

This is a funding source for those working in FACT or other arts related areas.

Funding body Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
Scheme Research Support Grants
Overview The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art invites applications for its research support grants. These support travel, subsistence and other research costs for scholars already engaged in research involving the study of British art or architectural history. Funding may be used to visit collections, libraries, archives or historic sites.
Deadlines 15/09/2013
Costs Up to £3,000

This funding application is not due in until September, but it is always useful to have plenty of time to consider and prepare a grant application. The Paul Mellon Centre funding tends to repeat each year, so even if you don’t have a project on the brew it is a fund source to keep in mind for the future.

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Copyright and temporary downloading from the Internet: Newspaper Licensing Authority v Meltwater (hand down from the UK Supreme Court today)


Please find attached a Note relating to the Meltwater decision (temporary downloading of Copright materials from the Internet, due to be handed down in the Supreme Court today.

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The Long-term Care Revolution Sandpit Workshop

The long-term care revolution

The Technology Strategy Board is inviting applications for participation in a revolutionary sandpit workshop in the autumn looking for novel thinking to blow apart conventional thinking about institutional long-term care.

The challenge of turning around previously disenfranchised segments of the population to create a vibrant and empowered consumer group, along with their families and carers, requires radical thinking, risk taking and multidisciplinary approaches.

The aim of this sandpit is to bring together a varied group of up to 25 individuals, who might be new entrants or existing players from across the UK, with the expectation that they work together to develop radical, risky and novel ideas that can then be developed into full proposals for industry-led Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) projects. Following on from the sandpit the TSB will be awarding up to £2.4m in such projects. Academics can be fully involved as sub-contractors in the proposals

Who do we want to join? You could be from any industry sector, for example: built environment, engineering, media, tourism, aerospace, robotics, even the military. Or from an academic field, for example engineering, design, ICT, maths, management and business studies, sociology, economics, geography, legal studies, anthropology, social policy or creative arts!

The five-day Sandpit will be held 16th-20th September 2013. You can apply from 8th April 2013. The deadline for applications is Noon 12th June 2013.

Click here for further details

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Eight new Royal Society Industry Fellowships connect academia and industry

The Royal Society has announced eight new fellowships aimed at strengthening links between academia and industry. The fellowships are awarded to academic scientists who want to work on a collaborative project with industry and for scientists in industry who want to work on a collaborative project with an academic organisation.

 The latest awardees’ project topics range from the pathology of neurodegenerative disease to mineral interface determination in shale hydration.

The scheme provides each scientist’s basic salary for the duration of their secondment, which lasts for up to two years full-time or four years part-time.

The full list of the latest Royal Society Industry Fellowships recipients is as follows:

Dr Hugh Greenwell from the University of Durham to work on Mineral Interface Determination During Shale Hydration with M-I SWACO.

Dr Atsufumi Hirohata from the University of York to work on the Development of an on-chip racetrack memory using exchange-biased pinning with Hitachi Cambridge laboratory.

Dr Hywel Jones from Sheffield Hallam University to work on Multi-Component Ceramic Composites for Engineering and Armour Applications with XeraCarb Ltd.

Dr Andreas Kranis from Aviagen to work on Capturing and Securing the Sequence Diversity of Broiler Chickens with the University of Edinburgh.

Professor Sankara Naryanan Ekkanath Madathil from the University of Sheffield to work on Systems Impact of Next Generation Power Semiconductors and Converter Technologies with Rolls-Royce.

Professor Yvan Petillot from Herriot-Watt University to work on Advanced autonomy in the subsea domain with SeeByte Ltd.

Professor Andrew Randall from the University of Exeter to work on In vivo, cell-level imaging of network dynamics and pathology in murine models of neurodegenerative disease with Lilly company UK.

Dr Michael Ries from the University of Leeds to work on Challenges in Green Solvent Cellulose Processing with Innovia Film Ltd.

This year is the Royal Society’s ‘Year of Science and Industry,’ which is supported by a number of events that showcase UK achievement in industrial science. Click here to find out more

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