Drafting and negotiating agreements: A ‘process’ driven approach

Please find attached a link to an article written on Mark Anderson’s Intellectual Property and drafting blog, which is concerned with the process of contractual drafting, and practical methods that could be adopted to achieve successful results when negotiating agreements. The Anderson website also contains many useful articles on drafting skills underpinned with relevant legal sources. Enjoy.

10 tips for successful contract negotiations

Trade Mark infringement and Confusion of Brands: Universities and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

Please find attached a link to the case, and a Case Note in relation to the Brand confusion case (Regent University v Regent’s University London). This was an interim proceeding between a US and private UK University, heard recently in the Intellectual Property and Enterprise Court.

CK2609Regent UniversityvRegentsUniversityLonBlog


Contract Reviews: Factsheet outlining the Contract Review Service

Flowchart – Contracting Process 020913

CK0909Contract Review Fact Sheetpdf

Please find attached a short Contract Review Fact Sheet and Flow Diagram, setting out the essential elements of the Contract Review Service provided by Enterprise and Commercial Development. Further information will be provided in future blogs about other aspects of the Contract Review Service.

IPKat Blog: Legal Blogs useful for ‘keeping up to date’

Following a recent request from a colleague as to a good way of keeping up to date with the mass of legal changes, especially in the field of Intellectual Property, I recommend the IPKat blog as a good start, which can be found at:


The following sites post daily changes:

The live feed for the UK Supreme Court is at:


A daily feed for legal updates in many areas of law:


For published legal cases and other legal authorities:


I hope the above assists.

Extracts from the Judgment of Lord Sumption: Public Relations Consultants v Newspaper Licensing Agency


Please see attached a Note with a few useful extracts from the Judgment of Lord Sumption in Public Relations Consultants v Newspaper Licensing Agency Ltd [2013] UK SC 18. The point of appeal has been referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Non-disclosure and non-circumvention agreements: the Court of Appeal judgment in ‘Dorchester Property Management’

CK2703ConfidentialityBlogDorchesterPropertyvBNP Paribas

Please see attached a further discussion of the recent Court of Appeal decision related to non-disclosure and non-circumvention agreements, in relation to the disclosure of confidential information.

Newspaper Licensing Agency (et al) v Public Relations Consultants Ltd (et al): temporary downloading of copyright from the Internet



Please see attached a short note of the appeal currently before the UK Supreme Court regarding the ambit of the section 28A exception to copyright infringement (the making of temporary copies) and when the section 28A exception could be relied upon.

Public information requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – for information held by University lecturer as private research



Please see attached the short article relating to Public information requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, for information held by a University lecturer as private research, and when it will be ‘held’ by the University (and so disclosable) for the purposes of the 2000 Act.