Culture Programme Workshops

There will be 12 Briefing sessions on the new Creative Europe programme, held between 13-31 January, in 12 venues across England, Scotland and Wales. Sessions closest to Staffordshire University are in Birmingham, Bradford, Liverpool or Nottingham.  Each Briefing will run for 2 hours, and will provide background information on Creative Europe, as well as detailed information on the new Culture programme strands (projects, translation, platforms, networks) and some information on the new Media programme. Sessions cost £80.

There will also be workshops to help people prepare applications between 3-6 February. In Manchester, Cardiff, Edinburgh and London. They cost £100.

For more information on these Briefings and Workshops, or to make a booking, visit

This document Creative Europe Culture provides an overview of the Culture funds of most interest to Staffordshire University.

Creative Europe Funding to Launch in January

With all the talk about Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020, it is easy to forget that the European Commission is also launching the Creative Europe Programme this January. Creative Europe will provide €1.46 billion over seven years to strengthen Europe’s cultural and creative sectors

What does it support?

  • Cross-border cooperation projects between cultural and creative organisations within the EU and beyond.
  • Networks helping the cultural and creative sectors to operate transnationally and to strengthen their competitiveness.
  • Translation and promotion of literary works across EU markets.
  • Platforms of cultural operators promoting emerging artists and stimulating a truly European programming of cultural and artistic works.
  • Capacity building and professional training for audiovisual professionals.
  • Development of fiction, animations, creative documentaries and video games for European cinema, television markets and other platforms.
  • Distribution and sales of audiovisual works in and outside Europe.
  • Film festivals that promote European films.
  • Funds for the international co-production of films.
  • Audience development to foster film literacy and to raise interest in Europe’s films through a wide range of events

The commission has not yet announced how much match funding will be needed for these project. Traditionally it has been around 50%.

We will keep you up to date as more details come in on this fund.

Find out more


Design in innovation: research development funding

The AHRC is very interested in design innovation at the moment. This fund looks is particularly interesting because it supports speculative research.

Funding Body: AHRC

Scheme: Design in innovation: research development funding

Overview: This call is aimed at enabling groups of researchers, including academics, design practitioners, businesses and any other relevant non-academic organisations or individuals, to hold exploratory workshops, networking and collaborative activities, or conduct original research reviews, scoping studies or capacity building activities focusing on design in innovation.

The following areas were identified as being in particular need of academic investigation:

•the role of design in service innovation;

•the role of design in the innovation ecosystem;

•providing evidence of the impact of design.

Awards should last for a maximum of six months and should be completed by the end of October 2014.

Budget: Funding of up to £50,000 is available on full economic costs basis with the AHRC meeting 80% of the FEC

Deadlines: 31 October 2013

Further Information:


Free time from Teaching with the British Academy

Many academics struggle to get the time to carry out research. This fund from the British Academy offers free time from teaching. British Academy funding if for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Applications must be made of their online system. Once submitted they need to be approved by the Universities External Projects Team by the deadline of 18/09/13, so make sure you let the team know you are applying in advance.

Funding Body: British Academy

Scheme: Mid-career Fellowships

Overview: Time freed from normal teaching and administrative commitments to devote to the completion of a major piece of research.

Through this scheme the academy intends to support individual researchers with excellent research proposals and to promote public understanding and engagement with the humanities and social sciences.

Individuals employed at UK universities or other higher education institutions are eligible to apply. Fellowships are intended primarily to provide opportunities for scholars who have already published works of intellectual distinction or have established a significant track record as an excellent communicator and a champion in their field, and who are normally no more than 15 years from the award of their doctorate.

Fellowships can be held over a minimum of six months and a maximum of 12 months, beginning in the autumn of 2014.

Budget: The total value of a fellowship is not expected to exceed £160,000.

Deadlines: 18 September 2013

Further Information:

Free Time Logo


NESTAS Creative Enterprise Programme –For Creative Supporters

Event for academics who are supporting students in the arts with enterprise

Title: NESTAS Creative Enterprise Programme –For Creative Supporters
Date: 22 -23 May 2013
Location: London
Cost: £600
More Details:
This new two day programme is aimed at Further and Higher Education professionals who support creative students and graduates to identify and reach their creative and professional aspirations.
Through this new programme Nesta will share a suite of creative enterprise methodologies; giving attendees the opportunity to try the tailored approaches and develop their own structured group and one to one sessions.
The materials can be embedded across all creative sectors from visual arts to digital technology, offering a flexible way of engaging students in enterprise and employability skills.
Who should attend: University and college lectures, tutors, careers and enterprise advisers and heads of departments – those who consider themselves ‘creative supporters’ who support students with professional development skills or enterprise and employability activities.
Further Details: