SME Funding Event


Enterprise and Commercial Development  were joined yesterday by our UK Research Office (UKRO) representative Blazej Thomas and National Contact Point (NCP) for SME Innovation, Dr Jane Watkins as well as Mudlark owner Charles Hunter for an interactive session on European Funding and SME’s.

(pictured above from left to right, Prof Allan Howells, Dr Jane Watkins, Matthew Hocking, Jose Beech, Blazej Thomas & Charles Hunter)

The all day event, sponsored by EUREKA and hosted by the External Projects Team was held in the Ashley Building, and was designed to stimulate discussion and debate on the routes to EU Horizon 2020 funding for SME’s and local organisations as well as providing insight to academics on funding opportunities within the programme. Over 50 attendees had the opportunity to listen to expert advice as well as question our speakers on the nuts and bolts of European funding.

The slides will be avaliable to all participants, so if you didn’t attend and would like to recieve them please email:


H2020 Science in and for Society – New Website


The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission has launched a new thematic website for the “Science with and for Society” part of Horizon 2020.

The site for “Science with and for Society” (SWAFS) has replaced the Science in Society website. The “Science with and for Society” programme is crucial in implementing the Responsible Research and Innovation governance framework.

The new website is easier to navigate and contains more information about all policy areas of the SWAFS programme:

  • Public Engagement;
  • Science Education;
  • Gender Equality;
  • Research Ethics;
  • Open Science (Open Access);
  • Governance.

It is possible to provide the European Commission with feedback on the new portal -which can be found here:

H2020 call to come: Innovative schemes for open innovation and science 2.0

A Horizon 2020 call, for supporting Universities to become Open Innovation Centres for their region, will be launched on 10/12/2014 with a total budget of €13,670,000.

The term Open Innovation “assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as they look to advance their technology.” Henry Chesbrough, Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm, 2006.

Implementing a model of open innovation is naturally associated with a number of risk and challenges, including the possibility of revealing intellectual property. However, numbers of successful initiatives exist and Universities can act as a trusted intermediary to bring multiple parties together and to allow them to collaborate in a hosted and trusted way.

The actions under this topic will help universities, companies and public authorities to enhance their capacity to engage in science 2.0 and open innovation. They will build or reinforce structures and mechanisms to support effective linkages for innovation between universities and companies and other employment sectors, and provide freely accessible innovation training platforms, including digital platforms.

If you are interested in getting involved with European funded projects and to know more about Horizon 2020, please contact us on to register to: Be a Part of European Funding – Thursday 20 November – LT114/116 Ashley Building, Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent.

H2020: ‘Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies’ 2016-2017

Europe in a changing world


The European Commission has published a report summarising external advice on the next work programme for the Societal Challenge 6 of the Horizon 2020. It presents the outcomes of consultations undertaken during conferences, participatory workshops and on line questionnaires.

The report is structured around the main topic of the Societal Challenge 6 the Horizon 2020 programme:

  • Inclusive societies;
  • Innovative societies;
  • Reflective societies – Cultural heritage and European identity.

The views of around 3000 stakeholders  from the research community, sector, public authorities, industry and non-governmental organisations will contribute to shaping the future priorities and topics of calls for proposals 2016-2017.

This external advice report complements the recommendations from the Advisory Group of the Societal Challenge 6 published in July 2014. Further debate among the Member States about the next work programme will be taking place in the Programme Committee.

The link below gives the full report.

Ths link takes you to the European commission’s site for this Societal challenge


Marie Sklodowska-Curie Co-funding

This fund should be of interest to doctoral or fellowship projects which are either new or already have funding. They can be run at regional, national or international level.

Funding Body: Horizon 2020

Scheme: H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2015 Marie Sklodowska-Curie co-funding of regional, national and international programmes

Overview: This aims to stimulate regional, national or international programmes to foster excellence in researchers’ training, mobility and career development. This will be achieved by co-funding new or existing regional, national, and international programmes to open up to, and provide for, international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary research training as well as transnational and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career.

Applicants must submit multi-annual proposals for new or existing doctoral programmes or fellowship programmes that may be run at regional, national or international level. Doctoral programmes address the development and broadening of the research competencies of early-stage researchers. Fellowship programmes fund individual research training and career development fellowships for experienced researchers. Support cannot be awarded to researchers who are already permanently employed at the host institution. Limitations regarding the researchers’ origin and destination should be avoided. Research teams will not be funded. Participants are required to be legal entities established in a member state or associated country that fund or manage doctoral or fellowship programmes for researchers. International European interest organisations that fund or manage doctoral or fellowship programmes for researchers can also participate.

Budget: The total indicative budget for this call in 2015 is €80 million. Funding is given at flat rates.

Deadlines: Proposals invited between 14 April 2015 and 5pm Brussels local time, 1 October 2015.

Further Information:


MSCA ITN: Information and Proposal Writing Events

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In its capacity as UK National Contact Point (NCP) for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, UKRO will be running two information and proposal writing events for the 2015 Innovative Training Network (ITN) scheme, for which the call is currently open.


The events aim to provide participants with an in-depth overview of the ITN scheme. Participants should gain a clear understanding of the proposal format and the key issues relating to planning, writing and submitting proposals. Events University of Manchester, Manchester, Thursday 16 October 2014 London, venue and date will be confirmed and announced shortly.   Participation in the events is free of charge and places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration for the Manchester event is now open and can be found via the link below. Registration and information on the London event will be available and announced shortly. The 2015 ITN call opened on 2 September and has a deadline of 13 January 2015.

Additional Information



Scientists demand better place for humanities in Horizon 2020


Horizon 2020 has failed to fully integrate the humanities into its work programmes, according to Science Europe.

More than 90 per cent of the topics covered in the programmes do not include a humanities approach, says a report published by the Science Europe scientific committee for the Humanities on 4 September. The paper analyses the integration of the humanities in the 2014-2015 work programmes.

In the remaining 10 per cent of topics, the humanities expertise asked for is rather narrow and unnecessarily limited, says the report. The work programmes are not very concerned with the ‘human factor’ of research and innovation, such as attitudes or culturally embedded values, according to Science Europe, a group that represents research organisations.

The report also criticises the fact that the humanities are seen mostly as having a translational role between research and the market, but are not pursued to gain better understanding of wider social developments.

See full report:

Twinning to share research

This research and innovation fund aims to link at least three European institutions and enable them to carry out exchanges to share ideas.

Funding Body: Horizon 2020

Scheme: Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation call for twinning (H2020-TWINN-2015)

Overview: This fund provides the opportunity to link up with another institution in a different EU country which is a high performer in your field. They also require projects to link up with an organisation from a specific list of countries which are not performing as well with Research and Innovation. The countries are listed below.

Projects aim to strengthen a defined field of research in a particular knowledge institution by creating a link between this institution and at least two internationally leading research institutions in other EU member states. Twinning will enhance the science and technology capacity of the linked institutions and help raise staff’s research profiles as well as the one of the institutions involved. Supported measures include: short term staff exchanges; expert visits and short-term on site or virtual training; workshops; conference attendance; organisation of joint summer school activities; dissemination and outreach activities.

Proposals may take the form of coordination and support actions and must involve a minimum of three participants. Applicant institutions from the following countries are eligible: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Macedonia, Liechtenstein, Moldavia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. Proposals must involve at least two internationally leading research intensive counterparts established in at least two different member states or associated countries other than that of the applicant institution.

Budget: This fund does not include salaries or equipment. The indicative budget for this call in 2015 is €64.12 million. Each successful proposal is expected to receive around €1m, although proposals for other amounts will also be considered.

Deadlines: 2 December 2014

Further Information:


Film on Applying for H2020

This short film talks you through the process of applying for Horizon 2020 funding. Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market.


Further details on Horizon 2020 funding:

NET4SOCIETY 4th Newsletter “Issues – The Voice of SSH in Europe”


NET4SOCIETY, the network of National Contact Points for research in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), has published its fourth newsletter “Issues – The voice of SSH in Europe”.

NET4SOCIETY, the network of National Contact Points for research in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), has published its fourth newsletter ‘Issues’ – the voice of SSH in Europe. This edition’s content is as follows:

  • Integrating Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon 2020 – First Experiences;
  • Notes from the Conference “Achieving Impact – Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities (SSH) in Horizon 2020”;
  • Interview with Prof. Irene Hardill on the Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities;
  • Spotlight on FP7s’ Final Call for Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities;
  • How to Increase the Participation of New EU Member States in Horizon 2020?;
  • Recent SSH Publications of Policy Relevance.

The “Issues – the voice of SSH in Europe” newsletter can be accessed via this link


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