COMING SOON: H2020-EEB-2016 energy efficient buildings


Proposals may address the following topics:

•EEB 01-2016 highly efficient insulation materials with improved properties;

•EEB 02-2016 performance indicators and monitoring techniques for energy-efficiency and environmental quality at building and district level;

•EEB 03-2016 integration of advanced technologies for heating and cooling at building and district level;

•EEB 04-2016 new technologies and strategies for the development of pre-fabricated elements through the reuse and recycling of construction materials and structures.

Proposals must take the form of research and innovation actions, innovation actions or coordination and support actions depending on the topic addressed.

Research and innovation actions and innovation actions require participation by at least three legal entities, each established in a different EU member state or associated country. Coordination and support actions require at least one legal entity established in a member state or associated country.

All H2020 funding calls allow third country partners who secure their own funding to participate in consortia.

Closing date 21 Jan 16

The indicative budget for this call is €49 million.


Ten technologies which could change our lives

3D printer

One of Staffordshire University’s 3D printers presented by Graham Preece, Technical Team Leader

A ‘technological society’; this is the term most of us would choose to describe ourselves in the 21st Century. We use a multitude of devices every day to coordinate our activities and communications at home and in the workplace. Ten technologies which could change our lives, Potential impacts and Policy implications was published last January by the Scientific Foresight (STOA) Unit of the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS).

This report investigates ten scientific and technological trends: Autonomous Vehicles, Graphene, 3D printing, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Virtual currencies (Bitcoin), Wearable technologies, Drones, Aquaponic systems, Smart home technologies and Electricity storage (hydrogen). A summary of each trend is provided followed by an overview of both the ‘expected’ and ‘unexpected’ impacts associated with the trend.

To help Europe to grasp leadership early on in new and emerging technology areas, the European Commission has allocated a provisional budget of 2 696 million euro (239.26 million Euros in 2015) to Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) actions, under Horizon 2020. In order to succeed in this mission, FET focusses on research beyond what is known, accepted or widely adopted.


Horizon 2020: Fast Track to Innovation Pilot


The Fast Track to Innovation pilot supports projects from the demonstration stage through to market uptake.

A wide range of activities will be supported including piloting, test-beds, systems validation in real world/working conditions, validation of business models, advanced R&D, standard-setting and advanced performance testing.

The scheme targets relatively mature new technologies. Concepts, processes and business models that need a last development step to reach the market and achieve wider deployment are the focus.

The total budget for FTI in 2015 is EUR 100 million, which will be divided equally among the three cut-off dates in April, September and December. The EC plans to fund 50-70 projects each year and it is expected that the scheme is going to be extremely competitive.

FTI is open to all types of participants, including universities, RTOs, SMEs, large companies, incubators, first time applicants, etc.

Consortia must be comprised of three to five beneficiaries from different Member States or Associated Countries, with significant industry participation.

No typical commercial activities (including marketing activities) will be supported due to EU competition rules but funding can be used to improve an existing marketing strategy to help maximise impact (i.e. developing the marketing strategy to include more countries, etc).

All proposals must include a business plan that clearly describes the market potential and business opportunities for participants, in addition to measures to enhance the probability of potential commercial take-up as well as a credible commercialisation strategy.

Maximum project duration will be 36 months with a maximum EU contribution of EUR 3 million. The Commission expects that the average project duration will be 12-24 months.

29/04/2015, 01/09/2015, 01/12/2015

For further information go to:

Marie Sklodowska-Curie innovative training networks

Proposals are invited under Horizon 2020 for Marie Sklodowska-Curie innovative training networks.

This action aims to raise excellence and structure research and doctoral training, extending the traditional academic research training setting, and equipping researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competencies.

The different types of networks must be created by at least three beneficiaries or at least two for European industrial doctorates located in three different member states or associated countries.

The overall indicative budget for this call in 2015 is €370 million. Closing date is 13/01/2015.

H2020 call to come: Innovative schemes for open innovation and science 2.0

A Horizon 2020 call, for supporting Universities to become Open Innovation Centres for their region, will be launched on 10/12/2014 with a total budget of €13,670,000.

The term Open Innovation “assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as they look to advance their technology.” Henry Chesbrough, Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm, 2006.

Implementing a model of open innovation is naturally associated with a number of risk and challenges, including the possibility of revealing intellectual property. However, numbers of successful initiatives exist and Universities can act as a trusted intermediary to bring multiple parties together and to allow them to collaborate in a hosted and trusted way.

The actions under this topic will help universities, companies and public authorities to enhance their capacity to engage in science 2.0 and open innovation. They will build or reinforce structures and mechanisms to support effective linkages for innovation between universities and companies and other employment sectors, and provide freely accessible innovation training platforms, including digital platforms.

If you are interested in getting involved with European funded projects and to know more about Horizon 2020, please contact us on to register to: Be a Part of European Funding – Thursday 20 November – LT114/116 Ashley Building, Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent.

Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND Seminar – April 30th 2014



In its capacity as UK National Contact Point for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, UKRO  announces a seminar on the Horizon 2020 COFUND scheme.

COFUND offers co-funding for new or existing regional, national and international programmes to open up to:


  • International, intersectoral and interdisciplinary research training; and
  • Transnational and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career.

COFUND in Horizon 2020 has a new element to it, as there are now two funding streams: one supporting experienced researchers through a ‘Fellowship programme’ and the second supporting early stage researchers through a ‘Doctoral programme’.
The first COFUND call under Horizon 2020 is due to open on 10 April 2014, with a deadline for proposals on 2 October 2014.

Wednesday, 30 April Queen Mary University of London Mile End Road London, E1 4NS

This seminar will provide participants with a better understanding of the COFUND scheme and its requirements, including the new doctoral training option. It will combine discussion on the objectives of COFUND and its fit within the wider postgaduate researcher training landscape in the UK, along with practical information on proposal preparation, submission and finances. The seminar will also feature a case study from previous successful COFUND applicants.

The event will run from 10.30 to 16.00 with a lunch break.

Please note that lunch will not be provided. For more details, please see link to the draft programme. 140430_programme_draft_cofund

This seminar is aimed at organisations – universities, government departments, funding councils, charities – who manage research and/or researcher training funds and are interested to learn more about the COFUND scheme as a way to leverage Horizon 2020 funding to support research fellowship and/or doctoral training schemes.

Attendance is free of charge but capacity at the venue is limited and places will therefore be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon 2020


Conference: ‘Achieving Impact – SSH in Horizon 202

The presentations from the ‘Achieving Impact – Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities in Horizon 2020’ conference, which took recently place in Athens, have been published on the conference website.

Organised by the NET4SOCIETY, the network of National Contact Points for research in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities, the ‘Achieving Impact’ conference brought together researchers, research support staff and stakeholder organisations to discuss and exchange good practice in achieving impact in Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities research.
The conference also featured brokerage and information sessions on call topics in the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 6: Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies.
Presentations and videos of the speeches delivered in the conference are now available to download on the conference website.






Horizon 2020: Update on UK National Contact Point events

Several UK Horizon 2020 National Contact Points from the Science and Technology Facilities Council, the Medical Research Council, and the Economic and Social Research Council have organised a series of regional Horizon 2020 information days taking place over the next two months.

The events will provide an overview of Horizon 2020 and legal and financial issues, and include sessions on:

  • Research Infrastructures;
  • Societal Challenge 1 – Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing;
  • Social Sciences and Humanities embedded across Horizon 2020;
  • Societal Challenge 6 – Europe in a Changing World: Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies; and
  • Science with and for Society.

    The events planned are as follows:

  • Edinburgh – Monday 17 March event web page.
  • London – week beginning 24 March (exact date tbc)




Horizon 2020 call calendar


Given the huge number of Horizon 2020 deadlines, we have not integrated these into our normal funding calendar.  Our colleagues at Greater Birmingham and West Midlands Brussels Office (GBWMBO) have put together a fantastic deadline calendar for Horizon 2020 which can be searched by theme or by deadline. Staffordshire University colleagues can download this here Horizon 2020 Final Deadlines 2014

For further information on Horizon 2020 and the opportunities and support available please contact



Horizon 2020 portal update


The Horizon Europa Website Project Team have posted the following

‘Welcome to the new website with latest information on Calls, Grants and Funding as well as workshops and training to develop the skills necessary to be successful in winning those grants.

Just about everything is new from Logo to layout, plus a new 5000+ page EU programme database specially designed for researchers and advisors,

You may already have seen the Logo video, if you haven’t and you have a minute for a bit of fun watch it here

You can find the site at 

For existing members, profiles and subscriptions have been transferred, however you will need to log in and reset your password by following the ‘forgotten password’ link.

For non members the site has expanded dramatically, guides, newsletters and eventually videos and presentations are accessible by registering for “Free stuff!”

Follow this link to Download Our FREE 15 page “Horizon Europa’s Guide to Horizon 2020”

If you’re waiting for the Experts page to be up and running this is now fully functional click here to register.

And finally if you like what you see please share it with your colleagues