Mass Media for Public Health

As the NIHR are visiting the university on Wednesday we thought it would be interesting to look at one of their current open calls. This fund looks like it is made for partnership work between FACT and FHS.

Funding Body: NIHR
Scheme:13/163: Mass media for public health messages
Overview: mass media for public health messages – effective uses of mass media to communicate public health messages to local populations in the UK.

This call will commission secondary research to draw together evidence on effective use of mass-media to communicate public health messages as part of local initiatives, used alone or as part of national campaigns. Secondary research methods, which may include a review of reviews, are required to synthesize existing literature across relevant disciplines.

They are particularly interested in effective:

• components of messages

• delivery to different target populations

• use for different aims and outcomes towards changing behaviour to improve health

• fit with other strategies to improve public health

Budget: Costs are based on actual project costs. Staff are funded at 80%.
Deadlines: 22 April 2013
Further Information:


Creative Europe Funding to Launch in January

With all the talk about Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020, it is easy to forget that the European Commission is also launching the Creative Europe Programme this January. Creative Europe will provide €1.46 billion over seven years to strengthen Europe’s cultural and creative sectors

What does it support?

  • Cross-border cooperation projects between cultural and creative organisations within the EU and beyond.
  • Networks helping the cultural and creative sectors to operate transnationally and to strengthen their competitiveness.
  • Translation and promotion of literary works across EU markets.
  • Platforms of cultural operators promoting emerging artists and stimulating a truly European programming of cultural and artistic works.
  • Capacity building and professional training for audiovisual professionals.
  • Development of fiction, animations, creative documentaries and video games for European cinema, television markets and other platforms.
  • Distribution and sales of audiovisual works in and outside Europe.
  • Film festivals that promote European films.
  • Funds for the international co-production of films.
  • Audience development to foster film literacy and to raise interest in Europe’s films through a wide range of events

The commission has not yet announced how much match funding will be needed for these project. Traditionally it has been around 50%.

We will keep you up to date as more details come in on this fund.

Find out more


TSB Funding for Digital Media

The Technology Strategy Board is investing up to £15m in projects that stimulate innovation in the UK digital media sector by addressing convergence in digital technologies. This funding opportunity covers film and television, online video, animation and video games (including pre-production, production and post-production processes, particularly in visual effects technologies). 

Projects must be business-led but can involve collaboration with Universities. The competition will fund feasibility studies as well as collaborative R&D projects. Projects size is expected to vary according to need, ranging from £300K – £2million for R&D activity of up to 24 months and from £100k to £120k for feasibility studies lasting between six and 12 months. 

The competition opens on 23 September 2013. The deadline for registration is 6 November 2013, and the deadline for completed feasibility expressions of interest is noon on 13 November 2013. A briefing event for both strands will take place on 30 September 2013. This event will be filmed and turned into a webinar for applicants to refer to. 

 For further information click here or contact


Fellowship opportunity for researchers

The British Science Association Media Fellowship Scheme is open for aplpications.  The scheme aims to strengthen connections between scientists and the media by placing researchers in a 3-5 week summer placement with a media host such as the BBC, the Guardian and the Irish Times.

Participants return to their organisations better equipped to handle media enquiries, to turn their research into news and promote their research and institution. They also improve their communication skills that benefit their teaching, journal articles and grant applications.  Further information is available at

Fellowship opportunity for researchers

The British Science Association Media Fellowship scheme is open for applications.  The scheme aims to strengthen connections between scientists and the media by placing researchers in a 3-5 week summer placement with a media host such as the BBC, the Guardian and the Irish Times.

Participants return to their organisations better equipped to handle media enquiries, to turn their research into news and promote their research and institution. They also improve their communication skills that benefit their teaching, journal articles and grant applications.

The deadline for applications is the 11th March. Further information can be found at the following link:  Please contact if you are interested in this opportunity.

Culture Programme – Cooperation with third countries (Australia and Canada)

European Commission logo 

Culture Programme – Cooperation with third countries (Australia and Canada) –

Deadline 3 May 2013.

The Culture Programme is the EU’s main funding Programme for cultural activities, its overall objective is to:”Enhance the cultural area shared by Europeans, which is based on a common cultural heritage, through the development of cooperation activities among cultural operators, with a view to encouraging the emergence of European citizenship’

The Programme has three specific objectives:-

  1. Promotion of the transnational mobility of people working in the cultural sector
  2. Support for the transnational circulation of cultural and artistic workers and products
  3. Promotion of intercultural dialogue

Purpose of this call for proposals

This call for proposal seeks transnational projects involving exchanges of artists and/or works or the promotion of intercultural dialogue between Europe and Australia; or Europe and Canada. At least 50% of the project activities are expected to take place in either Australia or Canada. It is open to a wide range of artistic, cultural and creative disciplines, including the following:-

  1. Cultural heritage
  2. Performing arts
  3. Architecture
  4. Multimedia technologies
  5. Visual arts
  6. Literature, books and reading
  7. Design, applied arts
  8. Interdisciplinary areas

The programme supports all cultural operators including: Universities, research centres, theatres, museums, professional associations, public authorities etc. The budget for this strand for 2013 is €2.65m, it is expected that approximately eight projects will be selected for support. Opportunities for UK HEIs:

  1. The production and maintenance of websites
  2. The production of magazines and newspapers
  3. The organisation of conferences and meetings
  4. The production of studies and reports

More info can be found Here