Participating in my research through social media interactions

27th June 2019 (updated from 19th May 2019)

Thank you for your interest in my research project and welcome to my interactive blog post!

Please watch the video below to hear more about my project, how to participate with my research and be asked my first research question:

My second research question can be heard below on methods of reporting gun crime to police in your local region:

I understand that you may want to contribute to my research, but do not want to be named publicly or have your response linked to your social media account.

If this is the case, and you would like to participate anonymously in my research, please give yourself a consistent code name when leaving your comment below so I can link any responses you provide throughout this project.

Although commenting in this way will be anonymous, please be aware that your responses are likely to be linked to the geographic location of where the post is made. The information provided by your location will be used to help me interpret your comments in the broader context of gun violence and gun crime as experiences, perceptions and thoughts will differ across the world.

If you do not mind your name being associated with the research, then please provide your name when posting your reply.

Regardless of how you leave your online response and/or engage with my research, your comments will be anonymised and written up as part of group of responses in any subsequent written publication or verbal presentation of my research findings.

If you are happy to consent to participating in my research in this way, please respond to the question I have asked in the video shown above by commenting below.

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