International Resources

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Organisation Summary
FIT-IN Forensic (Science), Innovation & Technology – Information Network
What Works Centre for Crime Reduction  A centre supported by the UK College of Policing to:

  • Undertake and build capacity for research in priority policing areas
  • Collate and share the best available evidence, embedding them into standards and practice
  • Raise research awareness and the importance of using appropriate robust research methods.

The site offers direct access to their Research Map and Crime Reduction Toolkit as well as a range of policing focussed online resources. As a result, these online resources are not relisted here and some may only be accessible to police officers/staff based in the UK.

Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences Research Scholarship CSFS awards up to a maximum of £3,000 per annum to appropriately qualified candidates for a maximum period of 3 years for their research in one of the following areas:

  • Forensic science
  • Criminal justice
  • Forensic science policy and practice
  • Forensic medicine
  • Crime investigation based on scientific methods.
Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences Publications  Publications offered by CSFS:

  • CS Eye magazine
  • Science & Justice journal
  • Interfaces Society newsletter
  • Intersection CSFS divisions newsletter
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin The Bulletin is an online-only government periodical publishing articles on virtually any topic of interest to the criminal justice community. It provides a forum for information exchange and readers are mainly midlevel to executive managers in agencies of various sizes worldwide.
Clinks Evidence Library The Evidence Library is an online resource containing the main research and evaluation documents that focus on the impact of arts-based projects, programmes and interventions within the Criminal Justice System.
NIJ Publications

This site contains a link to publications relevant to corrections, courts, crime prevention, drugs & crime, forensic sciences, law enforcement & policing, reentry, tribal justice and victims/victimisation.

It also contains links to:

The Justice Clearinghouse An integrated, multi-discipline online community for justice professionals. Although based in the USA they offer free weekly webinars in a range of relevant disciplines and you can sign up to these even if you are not based in the USA and without being a member. These sessions are very informative, well organised and delivered.
Forensic Science Innovation Database This is a tool for anyone looking to undertake a research & development project that has an application in forensic science. The database has three interlinked sections; challenges, contributors and stakeholders.
National Institute of Science & Technology Library

NIST is based in the USA and has a library of resources and publications available through its website, also detailing its current projects/programs and access to the NIST journal.

NIST also has a number of databases for toolmarks and firearms, STR DNA (STRBase) and National Software Reference Library.

US Department of Justice Office of Legal Policy DOJ webpage for reference to the most up-to-date US forensics policies, including Uniform Language for Testimony and Reports, Testimony Monitoring Policy, Quality Management System Documents (for ATF, DEA & FBI) and Scientific Research Integrity Policy & Code of Professional Responsibility.
Australian Institute of Criminology The AIC has been a significant publisher of crime and justice research since the mid-1970s and is an excellent resource for policymakers, researchers and the public. There are numerous publications openly available on their website, including:

  • Research reports
  • Statistical bulletins & reports
  • Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice.
MOOC – Challenging Forensic Science: How Science Should Speak to Court The aim of this online course is to promote critical thinking with regard to forensic science. It has been created by experts from the University of Lausanne and is written for the public and non-expert audiences using case based examples. It is fun and completely free to complete.
Small Arms Survey This organisation is a global centre of excellence and provides expertise on all aspects of small arms and armed violence. It provides updates on social media and has a range of free online resources:

  • Publications (e.g. briefing papers, reports, handbooks & books) that can be searched by type, theme, region and language
  • Tools, such as ammunition tracing kit, maps & charts of armed violence indicators, identification & support cards, weapons identification database and good practice guides
  • Multimedia, including webinars, documentaries, podcasts, films and videos.
The Law Society Professional Development Centre One of the UK Law Society’s support service resources include an online ethical scenarios guide comprising of free interactive courses based on ethical scenarios that solicitors may face in legal practice.
RAND Corporation This corporation undertakes research programs on topics of public relevance to inform debates in current public policy. There are over 20,000 publications, which RAND have published and are available to download for free.
UK Parliament Knowledge Exchange Unit Although UK-based, this team will support and engage researchers worldwide online and through social media. Their remit is to monitor research outputs and use this to . This online resource, entitled ‘Research impact at the UK Parliament‘ provides researchers with everything they need to know about engaging with Parliament as a researcher. This includes what interests them and methods of engagement.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Resources

The UNODC produces a broad range of online resources covering a wide range of global topics. Resources include campaigns, commissions, data and analysis, laboratory and scientific services, legal tools and treaties.

They also have a specific section focusing on international co-operation, providing e-learning opportunities and an extensive range of databases (amongst other resources) to facilitate data collection and information dissemination. Such databases cover human trafficking, migrant smuggling, laws on crime, cybercrime, international terrorism, money-laundering, anti-corruption and country profiles.

UNODC publications for online viewing and download also include:

Consumer Sentinal Network

A free investigative cyber tool providing access to millions of consumer complaints to make law enforcement more effective. The database helps law enforcement keep track and investigate fraud-based crimes in your community.

Access to the database is available to select international law enforcement authorities and all federal, state and local law enforcement agency in the USA. Information about becoming a member can be accessed here with a checklist to review prior to registration.

This US-based resource eliminates the need for police reports in most instances, whilst giving immediate recovery assistance to identity theft victims. Personalised recovery and action plans are offered for victims through the resource for more than 30 types of identity theft.

Although a US-based service offered through the Federal Trade Commission, you may find some useful sample resources for victims and information that could be adapted and applied in other countries outside of the US.

Global Investigative Journalism Network Although designed for journalists this network provides a mix of online resources (tips, tools, contacts etc.) to support those conducting investigations worldwide. These resources also help non-experts understand and gain access to information to support their writing, research and investigations. It may therefore be worth taking a look at their website and subscribing to their fortnightly bulletin for updates.
Bureau of Justice Assistance The BJA in the USA hosts a range of online events and publishes reports, advice and guidance on a range of justice-related topics. For example, Fentanyl safety training video and toolkit for first responders. They also provide links to other real-time training resources on other websites.

This organisation is funded by the European Union and focuses on enhancing Africa’s response to transnational organised crime (TOC) across criminal justice, security and socio-economic contexts.

Their research page provides links to:

  • A weekly Observer regarding original analysis into TOC;
  • Trend reports with a country or regional focus;
  • Explainers to provide facts and explain TOC to non-expert audiences;
  • Policy briefs providing evidence-based analysis and recommendations to inform decision-making;
  • Research papers following in-depth analysis;
  • Continental reports on key themes, priority threats and major crimes;
  • Annual TOC report;
  • Analytical reports from INTERPOL assessments to drive a more strategic law enforcement response.
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust The WCMT funds UK citizens to travel internationally to learn from across the world and bring back knowledge to the UK. Their Directory of Fellows, Reports Library and Stories section provides insight and access into the diversity of projects that have been undertaken through this scheme. Topics include those of relevance to international justice systems, for example, prison reform, practices in forensic science, community interventions that reduce crime and methods to overcome battlefield trauma.
Thames Valley Police Journal This journal began in 2018 and can be accessed openly through the UK Thames Valley Police website. The journal aims to disseminate findings from academic research centered around evidence-based practice and organisational learning conducted by their officers and staff within the UK. A more comprehensive overview regarding publication criteria and scope of the journal can be found here.
Knife free #KnifeFree is a UK Home Office approved website providing information on the risks associated with knife crime, carrying knives, together with personal stories, help and interventions, educational perspectives, statistical data and true or false scenarios related to knife crime.
National Institute of Criminology

The NIC is the academic research and training centre of Hungary’s Prosecution Service. They research crime, develop criminology theory and practice, forensics, penal law disciplines and disseminate their research findings online. Their activities provide factual information to practitioners and decision makers to reduce crime and assist the judicial system.

Their website provides access to their research fellows, research results and data and publications, for example.

CSAFE (Centre for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence)

CSAFE brings together statisticians, scientists, practitioners and other stakeholders to building strong statistical foundations to apply to forensic science.

Their resources section includes a glossary, tools, resources for researchers, reports of interest and a blog.

Their website’s education centre provides a range of free webinars for forensic scientists and undergraduates. Graduate and High School resources are currently in development and will be available soon.

OSAC (The Organisation of Scientific Area Committees) for Forensic Science

Currently administered by NIST, OSAC for Forensic Science works with its members to develop technically sound forensic science standards (written documents) and promotes their adoption within the forensic science community.

Standards define minimum requirements, best practices, standard protocols, and other guidance to help ensure that the results of forensic analysis are reliable and reproducible.

Topics currently include ballistics, digital evidence, DNA & biological evidence, drugs & toxicology, fingerprints and pattern evidence, and trace evidence.

YOLO Real-Time Object Detection Joseph Redmon from University of Washington has developed YOLO, which provides you with open source code to undertake real-time object detection and tracking within videos. YOLO uses the open source neural network framework called ‘Darknet’ which can be downloaded online.
Bureau of Justice Statistics Statistics database for the USA covering crime type, courts, law enforcement and victims. Provided by the NIJ, this online resource details the meta-analysis of rigorously evaluated programs and practices for a variety of topics within the justice system. These include crime and crime prevention, drugs and substance abuse, technology and forensics, victims and victimisation.
Flemish Peace Institute

This paraparliamentary organisation aims to contribute to a more peaceful society across the world by examining, analysing and debating developments to recommend measures to prevent violence and promote peace.

On their website you can access all their publications, which include advice, books, docuclips, factsheets, reports and lectures. They also share their recent articles and opinions as well as press releases through their news section.

The Big Index of Global Newspapers This site provides a list of all newspaper sources from across the globe and are organised by country/region.
Forensic Technology Centre of Excellence

FTCoE offers a wide range of free to access forensic resources including webinars, reports, impact resources (e.g. the Beta Workforce Calculator) and Just Science podcasts. You can search the resources by topic or resource type.

FTCoE offer a series of face-to-face Events and Toolkits are also available online, but you may need an RTI International login to access these.

ASU Center for Problem-Orientated Policing Their POP website openly shares their projects and a range of online resources including:

  • Best-practice tools and problem guides for addressing common crime and disorder problems
  • A library of resources including briefs, recommended reading, publications and databases around crime revention, crime analysis, problem solving and policymaking
  • Online learning centre with an undergraduate curriculumn, open (MOOC) courses from the University at Albany, GIS guide, prostitution learning module and street prostitution learning module
  • Conference presentations.

A number of their publications and guides are also offered in non-English translations.


TRAFFIC is a global non-government organisation who are specialists in wildlife trade. They share latest news and have a range of open source publications covering five continents. Publications include reports, The Bulletin journal and a pre-2007 archive containing earlier reports, legacy factsheets, newsletters and information material.

Importantly, on 2nd April 2020 TRAFFIC also launched their new open access repository of wildlife seizure and incident data, called The Wildlife Trade Portal. This is an interactive tool with dashboards and displays collating lots of open-source data that you can also submit entries into once your free login has been created and authorised.

Incarceration Nations Network The INN is a global network and think tank working towards peace and community safety by focusing on innovative prison reform. They have a number of projects ongoing, including a series of short films (INN-TV) and the first ever platform and database showcasing the prison reform and justice re-imagining efforts around the world
Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ is an independent, community-curated directory of quality, open access journals and subjects are categorised using a subset of the Library of Congress Classification. Alternatively, search their directory using keywords or discipline areas such as forensic science, criminology, policing, law, prison, criminal justice etc.. In January 2020 14,178 journals were indexed in their directory.
The Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research (SCCJR) The SCCJR provides research, publications and reports with the main theme of crime and justice. Topic areas include Evidence, Statistics and Trends, Gender, Crime and Criminal Justice, and Violence, Drugs and Alcohol.
MDPI MDPI is an open access journal website offering access to over 200 journals from many different topic areas including Behavioural Sciences, Law and Psychology.
Centre for Crime and Justice Studies An independent educational charity providing knowledge and understanding to the public regarding crime and criminal justice through free access to their publications.
Criminal Justice Alliance A variety of downloadable reports, journals, and briefing papers regarding The Ministry of Justice, Prison populations, stop and search, rehabilitation and the Courts and Tribunals Service.
National Institute of Justice: Crime Reports and Publications for programs and practices on topics including crime and crime prevention, drugs and substance abuse, technology and forensics, victims and victimisation.
Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) The CPS is an independent organisation which prosecutes criminal cases and works in partnership with the police and other agencies within the criminal justice system. Their website provides Crime information, information for victims & witnesses, prosecution guidance and publications.
Internet Journal of Criminology (IJC) This Journal is free to access (and to publish) providing criminology peer reviewed articles, PhD and Masters Theses, and Masters and Undergraduate Dissertations, in areas such as hi-tech crime, wildlife and rural crime, and the criminal justice system from.
National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) The NCJRS provides publications (federally funded) to provide information for justice and drugs.
Howard League for Penal Reform A national charity working with parliament, criminal justice professional and others, to reduce crime and numbers within prisons to make communities safer. A vast amount of publications are available to download, with some needing purchasing.
PsychOpen Provides open access to a variety of psychology journals, for example, Clinical Psychology in Europe (CPE), Europe’s Journal of Psychology (EJOP).
The Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology Provides peer reviewed journal open access for forensic psychological topic areas. Articles can be found through Archive or Topic.
Longdom Publishing Publisher of a large variety of journals, including Sociology and Criminology, and Journal of Forensic Psychology.
Elsevier Publisher of many journals across multiple disciplines providing open access to most, but not all of its journals, including the Journal of Criminal Justice, and the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine.
BioMed Central (BMC) Provides open access to journals across multiple subject areas, including Crime Science, and the Journal of Cannabis Research.
The Internet Journal of Restorative Justice This journal provides peer reviewed articles for restorative justice. With Open access to some but not all publications. A member’s subscription is available which would grant unlimited access to the journal.
NPC (New Philanthropy Capital) The NPC provides help and support to many different charities. One area includes exploring social causes and issues which looks how charities can help towards policy areas such as criminal justice, and Health. Information and resources are available to access for free.

The GOV.UK website details all UK government services and information. All ministerial departments are listed including the Ministry of Justice, which provides statistics relating to the criminal justice system.

All research and statistics for different areas can be found here.

Complete A to Z searching of the GOV.UK website can be found here, which includes crime justice and the law.

Scottish Government The Scottish Government website contains statistics, publications and reports on a variety of topics including Law and Order, and Public safety and emergencies.
College of Policing – Authorised Professional Practice (APP) The APP provides information and content, authorised by the College of Policing, for the policing body detailing their responsibilities and professional practice. Areas include public order, armed policing and investigation.
WPB World Prison Belief WPB is a free to access online database providing data and publications for prison systems around the world.
Birkbeck Institution Research Online (BIRon) BIRon provide open access to most of its research articles which cover a vast number of topic areas. For topic areas relating to crime, click here for the ‘Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research’ at Birkbeck, University of London.
Violence Prevention Alliance (VPA) The VPA is made up of many participant agencies to help prevent violence. Providing access to a number of publications, as well as links to participant agencies each with their own publications, including the Violence Research Centre, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, which helps to research prevention.
Penal Reform International (PRI) PRI develops effective responses to problems in criminal justice systems worldwide. The issues include Alternatives to imprisonment, prison conditions and people with disabilities.
The Forensics Library Provides information on many different aspects of Forensics from crime scene investigation to forensic biology and chemistry. The forensics library also provides links to other resources in different areas and provides case studies of famous criminal cases.
Armament Research Services (ARES) ARES conducts research, offers training and delivers project support in a wide range of arms and munitions related topics. They frequently post information via The Hoplite, their blog, share free to download publications that include research reports, research notes and field guides, and also provide free interactive tools to users.