Depositing Research Outputs

A user guide for depositing research outputs into Research4Justice will be developed when the repository user interface has been developed.

Before depositing data into the Research4Justice repository it is requested that:

  1. Written consent has been obtained from the student/author prior to submission, the signed form is uploaded separately (as a private document) to the repository and linked to the students’ research output(s) to ensure permission preservation
  2. The research must have been ethically approved and appropriately risk assessed (through normal university protocols)
  3. The HEI has already submitted the research output through Turnitin or another appropriate plagiarism detection software.

As a guide for HEI, if you are wishing to deposit the full research output into Research4Justice, it is recommended that:

  1. The research output to be deposited is written in English, however, in countries where English is not the primary language, then the depositor MUST write the title, keywords and abstract in English when completing the electronic form during research output deposition
  2. The type of research output is specified at the start of the deposition process, for example a thesis, poster or video
  3. The research output is graded as a green or amber RAG rating
  4. You select the most appropriate subject area for the output to be stored in (Research4Justice refers to as ‘Collection’)
  5. The title (original title or a new title) is no more than 30 words long
  6. The output should be uploaded as an OCR enabled PDF (unless output is audio or video) for searching electronically within the document (excluding ethical consideration forms and risk assessments)
  7. If there are key documents and appendices (e.g. CD-ROMs etc.) these can be listed on the main submission template and not necessarily be submitted to Research4Justice – if they are submitted they must be linked to the main research output (see help guide when created)
  8. Key words are specified for metatags (ideally up to 10 keywords) during deposition
  9. Author/student name is given – no further contact details are required and the student has the right to request their research output to be anonymised, in which case names and student numbers must be removed from the uploaded files
  10. Supervisor’s name (Research4Justice refers to as ‘Author’) and ORCiD number should be provided
  11. Supervisor(s)’ contact details (email address provided in the Research4Justice ‘Description’ field when submitting a research output)
  12. Names of anyone associated with the research project internally in the student and supervisor’s HEI and/or in external organisations (Research4Justice refers to as ‘Author’)
  13. Name of the HEI (Research4Justice refers to as ‘Publisher’), main campus address and switch board contact number (included in the Research4Justice ‘Description’ field) should be provided for the HEI where the student submitted the work
  14. Level of project UG/PG (included in the Research4Justice ‘Description’ field) is as a key word i.e. ‘undergraduate’ or ‘postgraduate’
  15. Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivatives licence is specified
  16. Deposits are set to be publicly visible unless they contain commercially sensitive information and/or an embargo period is specified on the submission form during deposition
  17. Related research outputs, both in the repository and externally published, are linked to the deposit using DOI (digital object identifiers).

Even if the full research output is not uploaded, it is strongly recommended that the title, abstract, names of the researcher(s) and supervisor’s contact details are uploaded to meet the aims of Research4Justice and support future networking and collaboration.