eCoach- Careers Advice

Screenshot of the universities ecoach systemAs a third year student you would think I would know about the majority of services and help the University provides us with, however today I found out about something new which is VERY useful, especially to students in their final year. What I have been exposed to is something called eCoach. eCoach is the careers centre careers portal which is available to all Staffordshire University students, graduates and staff. eCoach provides many services in order to help you find and prepare for the perfect career for you:

  1. CV Builder/ CV review- This enables you to create a CV or edit one you already have with advice from employers to help you to know what they are looking for. CV review enables you to have your own coach where you can send them your CV and receive feedback.
  2. My Career- This section is where you can take personality tests to find out what jobs may suit you, find out what you can do with your degree, view videos from real life people of the jobs they do and how they got there, access a career planner to write down your goals and tasks, access a career matching programme for free and also where you can share your CV, cover letter and any other documents with others.
  3. My Resources- This is where you can access online talks and guides as well as written advice and you can also access an interview stimulator where you can have mock interviews and either write your answers or record yourself if you have a webcam and browse hundreds of the most common questions employers ask and how to answer them. (If you’re going to make use of anything on the website, make use of this!)
  4. My Jobs- Here you can access thousands of jobs and find out where there are vacancies as well as being able to network with Staffs Alumni.

If you would prefer some face to face help, the careers centre is based in The Trent building on Leek Road and you can also phone them on 01782-294991 (Stoke), 01785-353233 (Stafford)  or email them at  however if you’re looking for a quick response it’s best to either phone or visit The Trent building.

If you are looking for work or just need help deciding what to do in future or need to update/make a CV, I really do advise you to use eCoach as it is a very useful system and it’s free which is even better!