Star Blogs: The Original Quadrilogy Part 2

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Sunday 4th October 2015
What’s up fams?
All of last week was leading up to this day, why? Because not only have I broken my Star Wars themed blog title, I had to get up really early today to attend STOKE CON TRENT.
Now for those who don’t know what STOKE CON TRENT is, just think of COMIC CON but at university. Yes, I can see that wide eyed look on your face right now. Yes, Staffordshire University hold it’s very on Comic Con, packed with stars and this year we’ve had quite the guests. We had David Prowse (Yup, Darth Vader himself), Miltos Yerolemou (who if I’ve got Game Of Thrones fans reading my blog played the great Syrio Forel who taught Arya Stark into becoming the trained markswoman to battle all the woes of GoT). But besides Darth and Syrio, we had a whole array of actors but I was a man on a mission and my goal was simple. To ascertain an interview with no other than The Doctor himself. Yes, you read that right peeps. The definite article himself.
The next seven and a half hours were spent trying to get as many vox pop (mini interviews) with as many cosplayers as I could, get in a masterclass sword session with Syrio Forel himself (I kid you not. I have videos) I finally got to interview not only Sylvester McCoy himself but his wonderful on-screen companion Ace (as played by Sophie Aldred).
I hope to release the complete ten minute interview once I get my radio show up and running, so to all those Whovians reading my blogs. You are in for a treat.
On a slightly nerdier gamer point… just 37 days left till Fallout 4.
See you soon fams.


Sunday 16th October 2015
Hello, you wonderful people. Sorry it’s been a while and for this being a rather short blog entry than usual, but there is something I really wanted to bring up that I failed to notice in the last entry. It’s October… or mid October now. Guys, literally. Once you get into uni, you fail to realize how quick the weeks go. I’ve already finished my fourth week and after next week, I’ll be on my reading week. (Which literally is ‘Half Term’ but the uni doesn’t call it that… I didn’t tell you that).
Man, I’m sitting here gazing out the window. (That’s a lie, I only said that because my computer is literally next to my window) and I’ve realized how great it’s been. Yes, it’s true with anything you have it’s up and downs but you just got to ‘live and let live’ and move on. I’m really looking forward to next week as I’ll finally be able to record my very own radio show and be able to finally release the eagerly anticipated interview with Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred.
Just 25 days to go till Fallout 4.

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About Jaz 43 Articles
I’m Jaz! You’ve arrived at my blog about life through a 22-year old’s eyes. I’ve chosen Staffs to take the first steps for my career within the radio industry and hope it will lead me to being a sound designer and produce Radio Dramas/Documentaries for the BBC! I love drinking copious amounts of green tea and watching classic Doctor Who episodes. I’m #ProudToBeStaffs because of the amount of banter! Students – listen up - get involved with as much as you can. University tends to flyby when you are having fun.