Planning the summer

Leek Road campus at Staffordshire University

Leek Road campus at Staffordshire University

Although it may seem early to be thinking about the summer, it is actually the perfect time. For me it is motivation to get things done. As the essays pile up it feels like a never ending workload but the thought of summer means that I can remember it won’t be like this forever. Also now is a good time to start thinking about what you want to do. This might mean looking around for potential jobs, or booking holidays or days out, or just planning things with family and friends.

Personally I won’t be taking on extra employment over the summer holidays but I do have lots planned. But if you are looking for work get an idea of the types of places you might like to work at early on. Even if they are not advertising for summer jobs yet, you could email and ask if they do take summer temps on. This would give you the information and show them that you are eager for the job. Just remember to take some time for yourself so you are rested for when university starts again.

Once I finish University I will not get summer holidays like these so I want to make the most of them. First, I have a family holiday booked in Suffolk which is a great chance for us all to be together and enjoy some peace from our busy lives. Next, I enjoy taking time out to spend with my family, to quote a friend of mine ‘I’m all about the moments and memories’.

After that I would like to take some time to read up on the modules for next year and to make sure I understand what I learnt this year. Also I would love to take up a new hobby. I haven’t quite decided yet but learning to ice skate is a possibility. I enjoy learning new things and 4 months off is the perfect time to do that.

Finally, working out some things to do with my friends back home is very important to me. The course we took together at college before coming to university was the equivalent of two years of A levels squashed into 30 weeks and was difficult but we helped each other through. That means we are a close group but because they are trainee midwives, they only get three weeks off for summer so it is important to plan meet ups as early as possible.

Group of girls planning on a laptop

For anyone before university or between years it is important to make sure that you have some fun and get yourself rested for the next year, but also try not to just lay in bed every day. I know I am planning to keep my brain active so it won’t be a nasty shock when I get back to university and find my brain has switched off.

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About Alexandra 49 Articles
Hi, I’m Alexandra! Studying Psychology (BSc) in my second year, but in my spare time I enjoy baking, reading and walking in the countryside! I’m a member of the Psychology Society, and I hope to study a Masters and PhD when I graduate and then one day, to be a Psychology Researcher – it can really help to change people’s lives! My guilty pleasure is chocolate, I love it too much!