A job ? How do I get that ?

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University, for most it’s the first time you are standing on your own two feet and central to everyone’s survival whether we like it or not is money. For some, your student loan will cover you while you are at university but for most of you, you’ll need a little bit of extra money to get by as the student loan won’t quite stretch for the life style you want to live and let’s be honest partying and having fun is what being a student is all about. Now if you haven’t got a wealthy mum and dad or a massive inheritance….you’ll need to get a job! But how am I going to get that?

First a bit of a background on my work experience, I’ve had a jobs since I was 15, I started out by doing a few shifts with my dad in the kitchen at his work, at 16 when I started 6th form I decided I needed a more stable job which offered me income that could guarantee me money each month and an opportunity at my 6th form arose to work in the canteen at lunch times. This really helped me develop in the work place as there was no one to hold my hand, I had to learn how to interact and settle in to a work environment where at the start I didn’t know anyone or practices. This first experience really helped me, by the time I came to taking on my second job which I still have today, I applied to various bars, restaurants and venues however I finally stumbled upon a job as a safety/security steward with Showsec international, where I would be Showsec logoworking at various venues and festivals throughout the year, mainly Leeds arena and Leeds O2 academy then festivals during the summer months. This is a job I love and is perfect for me as it’s casual so I chose when I work as long as I work at a constant rate, I can’t take months off but I don’t have to work every week or weekend, I’ve also been able to transfer and bring this job with me to university. At university I took on a second job in Stoke at the Odeon cinema this was another amazing place to work very inviting and friendly group of staff and managers who were very accommodating knowing I was a student.

So to the advice, when you’re looking for a job I strongly suggest you looking for something you think you will enjoy or at least be able to have fun at because if you have no motivation for it honestly you won’t last long. I know someone who took a job in a pub and she hates it for various reasons but she never looks forward to going but is stuck in the job because it’s hard to find jobs once you’ve started university as most places have recruited and the best jobs have gone. So when you look for something do some research, speak to people see if you know anyone who’s had a similar job and can tell you what it’s like. Look for a job which can fit around your university life, casual roles are perfect for this as they aren’t as demanding however don’t always pay as much unless you are willing to work plenty.

You’ve applied for thousands of jobs, trust me you will need to because you won’t just get the first job you apply for, and you’ve been invited for an interview. This is first time the employer gets to see you, so as much as it’s cliché, first impressions are everything. Make sure to dress smartly boys a shirt tie and trousers with a pair of smart shoes can make a great impression! Go to an interview prepared, interviewers will ask you questions so try to predict what they may ask and try best to prepare answers.

– What makes you ideal for this position ?
– What would you bring to this role ?
– What do you know about our company ?
– What do you understand about the role ?
Are great examples of questions they might ask, I’ve had all or at least 2 of those at every job interview I’ve attended. So try your best to have a basic understanding of the role and company you don’t want to appear unprepared, confidence and positive talking is attractive to an interviewer because it’s shows enthusiasm for the position.

After the interview it’s the waiting game, you’ve either got the job or you haven’t, if you have then congratulations, if not get back out there and don’t give in. Great places/ways to find jobs is to go round local establishments and had your CV round, look online for job advertisements for example looking on a specific company website or try your university jobs centre. At Staffordshire University Unitemps logowe have unitemps who help students into work on an agency basis and various rates of pay but it fits around you and your timetable so can be ideal for most students.A J

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About Zach 37 Articles
Hi, I'm Zach - your typical Yorkshire lad. I chose Staffs because of the links to Engineering, and because of Alton Towers (I live and breathe roller-coasters!). I'm also pretty obsessed with sport, and spend my spare time watching football, rugby, F1 and BTCC. My dream career will be to work for Bentley Motors; it combines my love on engineering and cars! I'm most proud of my car, I take so much pride in it!

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