Birthday Weekend

Birthday Pictures
Birthday Pictures
Birthday Pictures
Birthday Pictures


So I finally celebrated my 21st Birthday on the 10th July and I had such an amazing day!! I’ve been waiting to turn 21 since I was 13 and when the day finally came I was very overwhelmed because it just told me that I’m officially an adult and the real world has begun.

As my birthday was on a Sunday and I don’t go out on Sundays I had to celebrate on the Saturday. In the afternoon I went out with my Mum, sisters and Grandma for a family dinner to TGI’s. If you haven’t had the passion fruit Mocktail I highly advise you try it because it’s amazing!!

In the evening I went to a boat party with my best friend hosted by The Doctors Orders and it was such a great time! At first I was scared because I can’t swim so if something happened I have no idea how I would have gotten out of there lol but everything was completely fine and the ride was so smooth I kept forgetting we were on a boat until I looked out of the window.

We sailed across the river Thames and it was so beautiful at night due to all the lights and the sunset. Unfortunately I didn’t get many pictures of the scenery as there was too many people outside to get clear pictures plus it was pretty cold. I hope they host another boat party event soon because I would definitely attend, there’s music for everyone however the theme for that party was Hip Hop vs R&B however they did play a couple tunes from different genres.


For those who are 21 how did you celebrate your birthday and those who aren’t how do you plan on celebrating?!

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