Zach’s Guide to Welcome Week

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Welcome Week (also known as Freshers Week – both the same), but if you wanted to you could look at it as two separate styles of tackling the week that is your first at university. By now if you’re reading this I imagine you’ve got your results, your university place is confirmed and your head is already focused on moving in and what that first week will be like! Let me give you a break down of what I think are the most important events happening at Staffs Uni for Welcome in that first week.

Welcome Week: Move In
10th September
Moving-in day! It’s finally here all the packing and deciding what to take and what to leave is done, you’re on your way to Staffordshire University!

No doubt when you arrive you’ll be at a loss, I was, but if you came to an open day you may know where the Sports Hall is (if not we will have plenty of Staffordshire elves on hand to help) and that’s where you’ll be heading to do face-to-face enrolment. This is while you receive your student card (DISCOUNTS!) and keys to your new home for the year.

Of course, next is the tedious part of moving everything in but once that’s done you can meet your flat mates! That first night I know it’s tempting to go wandering and explore but try stay with your flat and just get to know each other or better yet explore together! It’s good idea to have a wander up to the Ember Lounge and have a drink together! The Union is also putting on a moving in party in LRV which is bound to be packed full of new students wanting to make friends so make sure you’re there!

After you’ve settled in, unpacked, made friends etc the Monday is the beginning of your Freshers Week and there are so many events, taster sessions and activities to do you won’t know where to be! Here’s a few highlights I’ve picked off that interest me:

11th September,7pm, the big quiz! Get a team together and have a drink with some food while you take on the big quiz at the ember lounge!

12th September, 5-7pm Men’s Rugby taster session on the floodlit pitches

13th September, Robot Wars Roadshow! A chance to get up close with the shows house robots and speak to the people behind the robots on the science centre, s true must for any science or engineering student!

14th September, Freshers Fair…best event of the week, if you attend only one make sure it’s this! Free stuff everywhere!

15th September, live Europa League. Last year I found the best way to watch sport is live in the ember lounge and this will be one of the first chances to watch football with like minded supporters.

16th September, Mukky first time this event graces the Stoke campus and the perfect way to top off Welcome Week’s and wind down!

There are so many events and taster session throughout the week I can’t possibly mention them all but the clubs and societies at staffs are really putting on a great week so get out and give it a go! Here’s a link to a full calendar of events:

Happy Welcome Week! See you around!


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