FC Barcelona and RCDE Stadium Tours

November 24, 2016 Guest Blog 0

Over the last weekend, students from Level 6 Football Culture group, in Sports Development and Coaching, and Sports Therapy students jetted off to Barcelona. Student Shannon, shares her experience of the trip. On Saturday we arrived […]

Top 5 Shows To Watch On Netflix

November 21, 2016 Annrose 1

After you have been spending hours writing your essays and attending your lectures, there’s nothing quite like lying in your bed and binge-watching tv shows. Nowadays there are so many shows to watch so it […]

Students Wanted for Psychology Project!

November 15, 2016 Drew 0

Every year, students across the country are plagued with what can only be described as a living nightmare… Final Year Dissertations! *thunder crack* via GIPHY Melodrama aside, I’m actually looking forward to tackling my project […]

7 Cups of Tea

November 15, 2016 Jaz 0

Hey all, I hope you have been doing well. It’s coming up to the end of this semester, I am working on my final few assessments of this year and it still amazes me how […]


November 10, 2016 Jaz 0

Hey all, It’s THAT time again. The nights are drawing in, the weather is becoming chillier and by the end of the month, you’ll be singing along to the lyrics ‘’Holidays are Coming!’’ while mesmerised […]

Tips on Writing the CV That Gets THE Job!

November 9, 2016 Maxie 0

Your CV (or ‘curriculum vitae’) is usually one of, if not the first impression a potential employer gets of you when you’re looking or applying for a job. So, of course, it’s pretty important for […]