5 Things To Do This Summer

So…it’s officially summer! No more deadlines and no more lecturers so you have all the free time in the world. If you are getting a bit tired of binging on Netflix and playing video games all day, here are 5 things you could do this summer.


1. Read books

Summer is the perfect time to read classic and popular books. You actually get to read for leisure and not because you need references and quotes for your 4000 word assignments. I’ve got a big pile of books to read which include classics such as ‘Lolita’, the Harry Potter series and some manga for when I want an easy read.

2. Take a walk in your local park

There is nothing nicer than enjoying the warmth and fresh air in the summer. By taking frequent walks in your local park you can explore nature, get a tan and exercise – all whilst enjoying the warm weather.

3. Travel to a new town/city

Take advantage of being a student by using your railcard or discounted fares to travel to a new town or city here in the UK. You get to be all touristy and enjoy new places without it costing too much.

4. Go to a music festival

Summers are made for festivals. Whether it’s V Festival or a local festival they are great events to go to so that you can enjoy the sun and listen to good music. I am going to my first ever music festival this summer in Plymouth and I am really excited to listen to good music with my friends.

5. Visit a zoo

There is nothing better than going to the zoo when the weather is nice. It will be a nice event to plan with friends or family, as you get to take pictures of cute animals and learn more about them. Plus zoos always feel nostalgic and help me remember the school trips to the zoo that I went on as a child.

I hope that this post has given you some ideas of things to do this summer. Although there’s nothing wrong with shutting yourself in your room and binging on good TV shows, it’s always nice to enjoy the sun, since we don’t get it often here in the UK. Do you have any other ideas of things to do this summer? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

Ann 🙂

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About Annrose 63 Articles
Hi! I'm a 3rd year Midwifery student, and in my spare time you'll usually find me reading, listening to music or buying things I don't need! When I graduate I'm looking forward to becoming a registered as a professional at 21, and making a difference. I’m #ProudToBeStaffs because the university is friendly and has a real community feel.

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