You have got your place for uni and you know what you want to take however, that list is going to get expensive and, no matter how much we hope it is true, money just doesn’t grow on trees. So how do you get all your stuff on the cheap. Here are my tips:
- Check with friends and family to see if they have any kitchenware they are not using or planning to throw out and ask them to think of you if they have a clear out in the future, you never know what you might need for the following years.

- Look at the budget stores for kitchenware (and everything else) but try to find the perfect mix of cheap but able to last for the three years. Most of mine came from Wilko but B&M also do some very reasonable priced kitchenware and the kitchen range in Poundland also looks good.
- Stationary is something else you will need and often, lots of it. Over summer the supermarkets seem to have back to school deals on stationary. Near me, Sainsbury’s and Tesco have half price deals on lots of stationary that would be idea for uni.
- When it comes to bedding, I am Primark all the way. Don’t spend lots on some luxury bedding set for some expensive boutique when you can get cheap ones from Primark or Wilko and save that money for other things you need.

- When it comes to course books, feel free to get one or two if you want to do some reading before you arrive but unless expressly told you have to purchase a book then I would wait until you arrive to buy them. Lots of the books put on the reading lists are only mentioned in passing and can either be borrowed from the library, are available online, or, in complete honestly, you will never get around to reading. Textbooks can be incredibly expensive so waiting and only buying the ones you really need will save you lots of money. Also, buying used and older versions of the books makes it considerably cheaper.
- Use things you already have. Unless you are super organized you will be amazed what you find in your possessions at your current home. Go through it all before you leave and suddenly you have an endless supply of pens and bags and folders and notepads and this is all stuff that you don’t have to buy. It might not seem like much but it is all money you are not paying out.

- When it comes to decorating your room then either use decorations you have already or buy something cheap but don’t spend a huge amount in making your room looking amazing. Photos and some fairy lights can make your room feel more like home. Your room isn’t going to be on constant display to others and between studying, lectures, clubs and societies, nights out, meeting friends and sleeping you won’t have time to just stand there appreciating the decorations. Most people wouldn’t even be able to tell you what was in their first-year room. Save your money for food, you will appreciate it when you can eat more than just pasta.