My Life Plan

Looking out of a Plane window
Video & Gif By David Hanjani

Ok so I realize that I have not really been letting you guys in on what exactly I have been doing since graduating. I mean so much for a graduate blog huh?

The truth is that I have been running around in circles trying to figure out my next steps. I am not sure whether it’s because all I have ever known is education so I am not exactly sure how one deals with the real world. I was delaying this post mostly because I was hoping that there would be some big significant thing that has happened since my BBC placement.

I wanted to give you guys a post about how I am now living it up abroad. Sadly, this is not the case and I have also realized that maybe the whole point is to take you guys on my journey. You should be able to be with me along the good and the bad. By that I mean that you guys should know about my struggles, achievements and whatever plans I make. This will hopefully inspire you when you reach this stage.

Anyway as of this moment, I have decided that I need some time off to figure out where I am going with my life. Time to not only figure out my career aspirations but also time to figure out myself. I am in the process of looking for a part-time job…it doesn’t really matter in what exactly at this moment. This job is purely to fund my travels.  A big part of who I am, is my love for traveling and discovering different things. I always found that every time I visited back home (Zimbabwe) I came back even more refreshed than ever. I don’t know whether it was the sun or the people. But traveling helps me think and assess my life.

So next year I will spend most of my time working and traveling around the world. A kind of Eat, Pray and Love journey I guess. I will most definitely keep you updated.  Keep a look out for my first destination.

I know you are probably thinking that’s really fun and care free.  The idea of a whole year without a solid career plan will scare most. To be honest even writing this scares me a little. I wish I was completely carefree. But I’m not. As a backup plan I will apply for a post grad to start in September.  I am already excited for next year.

Don’t be afraid to take chances!.

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About Queenie 8 Articles
Broadcast Journalism Graduate 2015. Former Baking Society Manager.