Zach’s Welcome Week

I can’t believe that’s it, another Freshers week come and gone!…And it img_3502didn’t disappoint, but certainly didn’t come without its laughs and it’s drama’s. So much has happened in one week, I’ve met some amazing people, seen some unusual things and done some crazy stuff I didn’t think I would get to do. Little shout out to all the Freshers who’ve made me chuckle late night when walking through campus on a few nights with your random chants and antics.

My week was a mix of business and pleasure, it started off with a morning of meeting my course mates and lecturers which was good fun because everyone was at ease straight away the course leader broke the ice straight away and everything just clicked in from there. I failed to get to a taster session I’d wanted to go to, I’m not afraid to admit I got distracted by the pool table in Ember Lounge!

Tuesday we got free course hoodies! Some people wear them with pride, some don’t bother and some people’s other halves will steal them because it’s a hoodie.

Wednesday was Gobble at the LRV and it was a great way to start the years img_3501weekly night at the uni, it can only get better with the theme nights and guests coming. Hot dub time machine and Disney gobble are a must! The highlight for me though as those who know me will have guessed was the Welcome fair, free stuff…free stuff everywhere! Pizza, drinks, vouchers, pens and prizes you name it and it was there!

I spent most of Thursday recovering from such a long day, no judging haha. Friday I drove to Manchester sealife centre to swim with Ernie the turtle, rays and sharks in there Seatrek experience, it’s not that far to Manchester from stoke a short car journey or train ride away. For me this is the perfect way to live no busy hustle and bustle of a major city but if I want to venture out I can at the drop of at hat!

As I finish writing this I’m taking myself off up to Alton Towers to finish
my Welcome Week off right! Good luck to all the first years I hope you’ve enjoyed your first week with us mad lot at Staffs Uni and here’s to more fun coming. What does the first week of studying hold for you ? Don’t forget to check those timetables at midnight or very early Monday morning as they can change!

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About Zach 37 Articles
Hi, I'm Zach - your typical Yorkshire lad. I chose Staffs because of the links to Engineering, and because of Alton Towers (I live and breathe roller-coasters!). I'm also pretty obsessed with sport, and spend my spare time watching football, rugby, F1 and BTCC. My dream career will be to work for Bentley Motors; it combines my love on engineering and cars! I'm most proud of my car, I take so much pride in it!

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