Student Radio Association

student radio conference advert on screen


I have been at this university for over a year and a half now. As a second year Radio Production student, it has allowed me to reflect on my second year here at university.

One of the many perks of being not only a radio student but as a university student altogether, it has allowed me to attend a variety of events and training sessions. Today was one event that I was hoping to attend for quite a while now. This event was the SRA (or the Student Radio Association).

These training days are set up to allow radio students (whether passionate about radio or not) to be able to have the opportunity to meet a large variety of radio professionals from your region. This is an ideal opportunity for anyone that wants to pursue a career in the industry, as the golden rule of the media industry is to meet as many contacts as possible and be able to share each others wealth of knowledge and experiences. It’s a fantastic opportunity and unbeknownst to me it allowed me to reaquaint myself with an old friend of mine from my old college days.

One of the key aspects that I enjoyed about this event was that it allowed us to meet our Keele University radio counterparts and compare how we run our own university stations.

These training days are a valuable asset for university students and I do recommend them to students as not only does it allow students to gain a deeper understanding of a particular industry but also offer opportunities to students that could further their careers.

Student radio conference advert on plasma screen
Student radio conference
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About Jaz 43 Articles
I’m Jaz! You’ve arrived at my blog about life through a 22-year old’s eyes. I’ve chosen Staffs to take the first steps for my career within the radio industry and hope it will lead me to being a sound designer and produce Radio Dramas/Documentaries for the BBC! I love drinking copious amounts of green tea and watching classic Doctor Who episodes. I’m #ProudToBeStaffs because of the amount of banter! Students – listen up - get involved with as much as you can. University tends to flyby when you are having fun.

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