5 things to do during Welcome Week

Going out with your flatmates is one way to get to know them, there are many others too...

Welcome week is the perfect time to get used to life on campus before your lectures start. Staffs uni offers such a lot during welcome week and there is never a dull moment, so jump in and enjoy yourself before the real work starts.

There are some beautiful places to walk around uni


  • Take a look around the campus and surroundings.

Get to know your way around Staffs campus or at least around the parts that you will be based in, the rest you will learn as you go. On your first day after welcome week, when lectures have started for real, it is a lifesaver when you know where you are going and which rooms you need to be in. Welcome week is also a good chance to find out where the nearest supermarkets and banks are.


  • Try out the nightlife

If going out at night is your thing then welcome week is a great opportunity to try out Staffs on-campus nightclub LRV (Leek Road Venue). This can help you meet lots of your fellow freshers and you don’t have lectures the next day. There will be some course related things to do so make sure you’re not too hung over to attend them. The LRV is hosting a move-in party on the 16th of September in LRV and then on Wednesday of welcome week and every Wednesday following is the LRV student night called Gobble which alternates between a straight forward nightclub night and a fancy dress night out.


Going out with your flatmates is one way to get to know them, there are many others too…
  • Give it a go sessions

Staffs has many clubs and societies and most of these run give it a go sessions during welcome week and some run into the following week. These are sessions where you can try out the club or society, without having to pay the years membership fee, to see if you want to join up. Try as many as you want and have some fun. I recommend joining at least one club or society as it is lots of fun and helps you meet new people.


  • Get to know your flat mates

You are going to be living with your flat mates for the next 9 months, so it is a good idea to get to know them early on. Breaking the ice on move-in day is a promising step and then you can build from there. Movie nights and going out together are effective ways to get to know each other. The best way I found to get to know my flat mats was by making dinner at the same time. We all chatted and laughed while cooking, eating, and washing up together and we got to know each other more. It will make your time living there a lot nicer if you get to know your flatmates at least a little bit.

Movie night with pizza is another great way to get to know your flat mates, and if you’re on a budget then make some food instead of ordering in.


  • Meet your tutors and get ready for the start of the semester

During welcome week, your course will put on some activities and events for you to attend. This might be an introductory lecture, or an activity to help you find your way around, or a tour of a lab if that is what you will be using. Also, you usually get to meet your personal tutor who stays with you most often throughout your undergraduate course. This is your first port of call if you need anything and they will be able to signpost you to the best place to help you. It is important to attend all the events that your course puts on as these are carefully planned based on what will prepare you for the year ahead.

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About Alexandra 49 Articles
Hi, I’m Alexandra! Studying Psychology (BSc) in my second year, but in my spare time I enjoy baking, reading and walking in the countryside! I’m a member of the Psychology Society, and I hope to study a Masters and PhD when I graduate and then one day, to be a Psychology Researcher – it can really help to change people’s lives! My guilty pleasure is chocolate, I love it too much!

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