IPE Day – Student Midwives and Paramedics

April 30, 2017 Annrose 0

Recently, the third student midwives here at Staffordshire University had the opportunity to work with and teach the student paramedics various ways to deal with pregnancy related emergencies. This is something that our lecturers had […]

5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating

April 17, 2017 Annrose 0

It’s the time of the year where millions of deadlines are creeping up…essays, exams, presentations…the lot! Avoiding your work by doing things such as scrolling through social media, playing games or watching TV will not […]

Choosing your University

March 13, 2017 Annrose 0

So you have written the dreaded personal statement, potentially have had some interviews and had offers come through. Now, which ones do you choose to be your firm and insurance? It is so important to […]


The Perks of Being a Student

February 15, 2017 Annrose 0

When you are writing a million essays, attending lectures and running on no sleep, it is hard to see just how great it is to be a student. Yes, I know the graduate life full […]

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My Goals For This Academic Year

January 19, 2017 Annrose 0

It’s a new year and most definitely not a new me. I am still very shy, a procrastinator and a worrier. But I have thought of some goals to set myself for this academic year, […]

Top 5 Shows To Watch On Netflix

November 21, 2016 Annrose 1

After you have been spending hours writing your essays and attending your lectures, there’s nothing quite like lying in your bed and binge-watching tv shows. Nowadays there are so many shows to watch so it […]

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