Mortar boards being thrown into the air at one of our Graduation Ceremonies in 2014

A Survivors Guide to Graduation

May 2, 2016 Queenie 0

It seems like a lifetime ago since I graduated, everything seemed to go by so fast on the day. I was in and I was out. Some people dream of the ‘perfect’ graduation day but […]

iPhone social media apps

Should you give up Social Media?

April 11, 2016 Queenie 0

Is social media really that addictive? Does it control a large percentage of our lives as many people claim? Yes. Well for me it does. I have finally decided to give up social media after […]

Oprah saying Yeah! in a gif

The Steps of Life

April 1, 2016 Queenie 0

The small steps you take in life are very important. It may seem like its nothing at the time, but everything links together at the end. I am a Christian so I am a strong […]

Queenie in her prom dress

A University throwback

February 4, 2016 Queenie 0

New year is always about looking forward and leaving the past behind. But over the past few days I have found myself looking back at my Instagram posts. They act as a life time line […]

Looking out of a Plane window

My Life Plan

December 30, 2015 Queenie 0

Ok so I realize that I have not really been letting you guys in on what exactly I have been doing since graduating. I mean so much for a graduate blog huh? The truth is […]

the grinch smiling

Tis the season to be jolly!

December 18, 2015 Queenie 0

How excited are you for Christmas?! Or maybe not as much. Correct me if I am wrong but do you find that the older you get Christmas isn’t as exciting as it once was?   […]

A letter to my young self…

November 5, 2015 Queenie 0

This past month has been pretty exciting for me. Mostly because it was the first time since graduation that I felt some sort of change in my life. For a while I was beginning to […]