Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

April 14, 2017 Jaz 0

‘‘If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer’s always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.’’ – Nora Roberts There […]

International Women’s Day 2017

March 28, 2017 Jaz 0

This month we celebrated International Women’s Day, a day that celebrates the achievements of women from across the globe. One woman in particular that we celebrated today was the Vice Chancellor of the university, Professor […]

student radio conference advert on screen

Student Radio Association

February 22, 2017 Jaz 0

Hello! I have been at this university for over a year and a half now. As a second year Radio Production student, it has allowed me to reflect on my second year here at university. […]

2016: A Retrospective Look Back

December 20, 2016 Jaz 0

Hello! 2016… It’s been quite the wild one, eh? It’s funny, I speak of it as it being over already but right now as you read this, I’m sitting at my desk on the second […]

Walking in a Hanley Winter Wonderland

December 7, 2016 Jaz 0

Yo-Ho-Ho! (Now, I may have come across either rude or as a pirate…) Well, here we are once again. It’s December. The days have become colder and everywhere you go, you can hear Christmas music […]

7 Cups of Tea

November 15, 2016 Jaz 0

Hey all, I hope you have been doing well. It’s coming up to the end of this semester, I am working on my final few assessments of this year and it still amazes me how […]


November 10, 2016 Jaz 0

Hey all, It’s THAT time again. The nights are drawing in, the weather is becoming chillier and by the end of the month, you’ll be singing along to the lyrics ‘’Holidays are Coming!’’ while mesmerised […]

The Power of the Cadman Library

September 26, 2016 Jaz 0

“You want weapons? We’re in a library. Books are the best weapon in the world. This room’s the greatest arsenal we could have. Arm yourself!’’ – The 10th Doctor (David Tennant) Now, you may think […]

Raksha Bandhan and Sibling Rivalry

September 16, 2016 Jaz 0

“You can choose your friends but you sho’ can’t choose your family, an’ they’re still kin to you no matter whether you acknowledge ’em or not, and it makes you look right silly when you […]

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