Cineworld logo and symbol on the wall

Movies coming 2016

March 25, 2016 Zach 0

The movies – My top 3 picks 2016 is a huge year for movies filled with huge blockbusters, romance and comedies this year really has it all! In this post I’m going to take a […]

piggy bank in neon pink

Money and Budgeting

February 8, 2016 Zach 0

  The biggest worry for all university students is money money money! It’s all I hear students complain about, trust me the worries and stresses don’t go away. Money is something our lives revolve around. […]

2015/2016 rotating cube

2016 – What does it hold for me ?

January 26, 2016 Zach 0

So just like 2015, 2016 holds many more challenges, adventures and obstacles for myself! Some are ones I will share with others, some will be personal and some are ones I look forward to. So […]

Kaiser Cheifs live on stage

A Kaiser Chiefs Christmas

December 23, 2015 Zach 0

I’m what I’d now consider a Leeds lad having been in the city since I was 8 years old and it’s really become a part of me now. “You can take the boy out of […]

Zach Lowe profile picture

Introduction to Zach

December 17, 2015 Zach 0

Why did you choose your subject/course? At school I always found that I was a more practical student and also loved doing maths (odd and weird I know!). Combined with my educational interests/strengths I decided […]

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