Three Throwbacks from the Year

December 21, 2018 alicialok 0

This Christmas I’m going to celebrate in the UK for the second time my life. TIME FLIES! My very first blog as student communication ambassador  was in February and now is END OF THE YEAR […]

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Overwatch at Ember Lounge!

March 20, 2018 Phil Cooke 0

If you’ve ever been to Ember Lounge in the evening then you’ll probably know that there’s often Sports like Football or Rugby being shown on the big screens, which is great for sport fans, and […]

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5 Tips for prepping for Uni:

March 5, 2018 Matt 0

Getting ready for university, can be a worrying and scary experience, but here are five things that helped me and will might just help you:   Socialize  It’s important to speak and hang out with […]

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Meet the Ambassador: Nom

March 1, 2018 Laura 0

Hi there! Just a quick hello, and a little taster of what’s to come. This journey is all about positivity and enlightenment in this most erratic yet incredible time in your life, university. Being a […]

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Vlog: LGBT+ History Month

March 1, 2018 Maxie 0

LGBT History Month is coming to a close, but I wanted to make a video about why it’s so important to me. Plus, I felt the need to talk about my gender identity and who […]

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Gee: My University Story… So Far

February 13, 2018 Maxie 0

So, everyone has different reasons for going to uni, and has a different journey while they’re here! I wanted to write this blog about my own personal experience so far in higher education, just to […]

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