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Part Time Jobs at Uni

June 15, 2018 alicialok 0

During my first semester at Staffs, I didn’t have a part time job. I wasn’t in a rush looking for a part time job because I wanted to settle down and familiarise myself with this […]

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Living Costs on a Student Budget… HELP!

April 16, 2018 Drew 0

Money. A controversial topic that people tend to avoid, or want to brag about way too much. The root of all evil? Possibly. Something you need to get to grips managing? Definitely! via GIPHY When you […]

Cost of living Stoke-on-Trent

Stoke-on-Trent cost of living: The facts

November 6, 2017 Maxie 1

It’s fairly common knowledge that Stoke-on-Trent is a pretty cheap place to live. But just how cheap? How much money am I actually saving by living here? Well, here’s your answer! I’ve put together a […]

Getting help with health costs!

August 26, 2017 Maxie 0

People don’t realise how expensive health costs can be – especially when you’re on a low student loan and you’ve already blown half of this week’s allowance on that Chinese takeaway with your flatmates. You’ve […]

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