Pretty Little Liars

What Happens After Welcome Week?

September 18, 2016 Siân 0

So Welcome Week is over and classes have started. You’ve got that snazzy new pencil case and you’ve promised yourself you won’t doddle on this notepad in between PowerPoint slides, and you’ve already kinda-sorta sussed […]

Raksha Bandhan and Sibling Rivalry

September 16, 2016 Jaz 0

“You can choose your friends but you sho’ can’t choose your family, an’ they’re still kin to you no matter whether you acknowledge ’em or not, and it makes you look right silly when you […]

No Picture

Anxiety and University

September 16, 2016 Annrose 0

Anxiety is a horrible thing. It isn’t just the odd worry about something here or there, it can feel like a dark cloud taking over your mind, your body, your whole life. You can’t do […]

Student Group

What is a Peer Mentor?

September 14, 2016 Jaz 0

You wake up and realise that today is the day. You have already unpacked and organised your new room yet there are over a thousand different questions swimming through your mind. Where do I go? […]

No Picture

You made it to Staffs! What now…?

September 12, 2016 Drew 1

Dear New Students, First and foremost, DO NOT PANIC! You made it. You are a university student. Congratulations for getting this far! Now take a breath, take a moment, and relax. For a lot of […]

Lauren starting uni

Worried About Starting Uni?

September 10, 2016 Lauren 1

Regardless of your age, background, circumstances or how you’ve ended up coming to university, we will all have worries and fears. For me I thought I was too old, out of fashion, and not up […]

Joining Clubs and Societies at Uni

September 9, 2016 Alexandra 0

  When starting university last year, I was certain that I would join at least one club or society. In the end I joined one of each, dancing club and psychology society. I always intended […]

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