Healthy Body and Healthy Mind

September 2, 2016 Lauren 1

So the gym. Yup I did it! Sign and sealed as of today. I am a full paid member of Staffordshire University’s Sir Stanley Mathews Gym. To be honest I have being saying I will for…erm….well […]

Student and parents walking at the open day

Why Bother With an Open Day

September 1, 2016 Lauren 0

Open days are a great way to see exactly what each university has to offer and what the area around the university is like. You might love the campus, but hate the location, love the […]

Clearing Made Clear

Clearing: Is Uni Worthwhile?

August 31, 2016 Siân 0

If you don’t go to uni, you won’t get a job: a mantra that was drilled into everyone I went to school with. The last six months of college were a frenzy of applications, personal […]

Mortar boards being thrown into the air at one of our Graduation Ceremonies in 2014

Graduation 2017: What Am I worried About?

August 30, 2016 Siân 0

The graduation ceremonies for 2016 gave me an existential crisis. I was seeing photos of all these beautiful red-and-black gowned students get their awards, and all I could think was, In a year, that’s going […]

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