Ghostbusters cinema ticket

Ghostbusters: Who Ya Gonna Call?

July 20, 2016 Jaz 0

Hey peeps! Now, I have a friend who has been a Ghostbusters fan all of her life and while my memories of Ghostbusters are scarce, having only remembered that one ‘Decapitated Heads in the Train Tunnel’ […]

Cineworld logo and symbol on the wall

Movies coming 2016

March 25, 2016 Zach 0

The movies – My top 3 picks 2016 is a huge year for movies filled with huge blockbusters, romance and comedies this year really has it all! In this post I’m going to take a […]

Jaz's Star Wars Cinema ticket


January 25, 2016 Jaz 0

‘These are the blogs you are looking for…’ – Obi Jaz Kenobi What’s up, my padawans? (too cringey?) The title definitely needed that exclamation mark. Now, as I am writing this… it has been exactly […]