My Top 5 Uni Defining Songs

July 19, 2017 Annrose 0

My time at Staffordshire University is coming to an end, so naturally I wanted to reminisce and share some of my favourite moments with you. I then thought what better way to do this than […]

Will I make friends?

June 20, 2017 Alexandra 0

One of the biggest fears everyone has when they start somewhere new is whether they will make friends. This tends to be magnified when moving home where you don’t know anyone at all, like those […]

Applying for Jobs

May 30, 2017 Alexandra 0

The end of a university year can mean applying to jobs for some people. Some are applying for a job to boost their finances for the following university year, and some are looking for a […]

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

April 14, 2017 Jaz 0

‘‘If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer’s always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.’’ – Nora Roberts There […]

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