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What to Pack for University

August 24, 2018 Matt 0

Hey everyone! Around this time last year I was gathering all the things I needed to pack for Uni, at first I took too little, then over the year I took too much! So hopefully […]

Our Kitchen

Sharing a kitchen in halls

July 4, 2016 Alexandra 0

  For my first year I lived in Clarice Cliff Court which has flats of between 4 and 6 people sharing a kitchen. All rooms have en-suite bathrooms which is one of the reasons I […]

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Living in Halls

April 20, 2015 Charlize 0

I can remember living in halls last year like it was yesterday! Flat parties and all our housemates going out together for a birthday meal. The thing I disliked most about halls was my bedroom, […]

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Living in halls

February 20, 2015 Annrose 0

So maybe you’ve already had all your offers back, and you’ve already decided on what university you will be going to. Maybe it’s far and you already know you are going to be living in […]