24 hours in Stoke with Drew

December 13, 2017 Drew 0

Ok. Imagine we’re back in glorious summer time. This would be my perfect 24 hours… 00:00 – 08:00: In my bed… duh! 08:00 – 10:00: The Awakening and Beautifying Process ™ via Giphy 10:00 – […]

Ways to relax/ destress

July 3, 2017 Alexandra 0

Life can be stressful generally, but especially around exam and result time. Knowing how to relax and de-stress even for a short amount of time can really help to keep you focused and healthy. Too […]

My Final Year Results ?

July 3, 2017 Drew 0

As of writing this I am currently blasting some tunes and dancing around in nothing but a hoodie and my undies, celebrating my final year results. I could not be happier right now! Let me […]

Young People and Politics

April 19, 2017 Drew 0

So folks, it looks like we’re going to be having another general election in the not so distant future. Let’s talk about that… As of writing this, the announcement that there will be a general […]

Finding the Balance

April 19, 2017 Karis 0

When you’re an independent student, no matter what level you’re at, I think one of the biggest things to manage is finding balance within your life. It can be finding the balance between many things […]

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