Lauren starting uni

Worried About Starting Uni?

September 10, 2016 Lauren 1

Regardless of your age, background, circumstances or how you’ve ended up coming to university, we will all have worries and fears. For me I thought I was too old, out of fashion, and not up […]

piggy bank in neon pink

Money and Budgeting

February 8, 2016 Zach 0

  The biggest worry for all university students is money money money! It’s all I hear students complain about, trust me the worries and stresses don’t go away. Money is something our lives revolve around. […]

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Cost of Living at Staffs!

September 11, 2015 Emma 0

Something that you should look into when you go to university is how expensive things can be in the area. Now, Staffs is a relatively cheap  place, even more so if you’re a student and […]

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Ways To Save And Spend

August 12, 2015 Charlize 0

As exciting as most of us get when we realise that our student loan has dropped, we soon discover that all the things we were planning on buying becomes a dream and we have to […]

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