How To Relax this Christmas

December 21, 2018 nomncube 0

Hi guys, I’m back. Firstly, what a semester eyy?! I hope you’ve all had a great semester back, and for those fresh to uni, well welcome. With a well-deserved break, check out my tips on […]

Three Throwbacks from the Year

December 21, 2018 alicialok 0

This Christmas I’m going to celebrate in the UK for the second time my life. TIME FLIES! My very first blog as student communication ambassador  was in February and now is END OF THE YEAR […]

2016: A Retrospective Look Back

December 20, 2016 Jaz 0

Hello! 2016… It’s been quite the wild one, eh? It’s funny, I speak of it as it being over already but right now as you read this, I’m sitting at my desk on the second […]

Driving Home for Christmas

December 12, 2016 Zach 0

Christmas is a time when most get really excited…because they are finishing work or school or uni. If you’re reading this it’s probably the latter, it could even be your first time going home for […]

Christmas and New Year

January 29, 2016 Emma 0

Usually most students enjoy having three to four weeks off over the Christmas and New Year period, and go home. With this being my last ‘Christmas holiday’ as a student I was looking forward to […]

Fireworks above a city skyline

A New Year

January 5, 2016 Charlize 0

We’re finally in 2016 and wow has it come quick! It seems like only yesterday I was in my first year of University and now I’m only a few months away from the end. 2015 […]

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