Raksha Bandhan and Sibling Rivalry

September 16, 2016 Jaz 0

“You can choose your friends but you sho’ can’t choose your family, an’ they’re still kin to you no matter whether you acknowledge ’em or not, and it makes you look right silly when you […]

A man sick in bed with a thermometer in his mouth

Fresher’s Flu Is Real.

September 7, 2016 Siân 0

You hear about it even before you start university. You think everyone’s making it up. You don’t think it’ll happen to you. But then it does. Freakin’ Fresher’s Flu. via GIPHY I too was like […]

Biology Society

October 14, 2015 Kris 0

When you think about University clubs and societies you may be mistaken to think that it’s all about clubs such as Football, Rugby or Hockey and societies such as Acting, Radio and TV, but an increasing […]

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My Top 5 Must-Do’s on an Open Day

September 17, 2015 Annrose 0

Open days, in my eyes, are what really seal the deal in deciding whether a university is really for you. No matter how good the uni sounds from other people’s words or from a prospectus, […]

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Living in Halls

April 20, 2015 Charlize 0

I can remember living in halls last year like it was yesterday! Flat parties and all our housemates going out together for a birthday meal. The thing I disliked most about halls was my bedroom, […]

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March 30, 2015 Charlize 0

For those of you currently living in halls you will probably be looking for somewhere new to live for next year right now or may even have secured yourself a house already. Renting a shared […]

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