People Are Weird: Compensatory Health Beliefs

October 18, 2016 Drew 0

I am a 3rd Year Psychology and Counselling student, and throughout my course, listening to lecturers and searching through the research databases at my fingertips, I come across some weird, interesting, and relatable psychology. So […]

Single Parent Student

September 25, 2016 Lauren 0

So for those of you don’t know, I have a teenager! An “it’s not fair” eats me out of house and home, no concept of money, sleep in till mid-day teenager. And for over the […]

Palcement advice in the Careers Network

Why Placement is so Important

August 15, 2016 Charlize 2

For those of you that weren’t as lucky as me to have a placement as part of your course, I would highly suggest that you take a placement year if possible. Many graduate jobs require […]

Leek Road campus at Staffordshire University

Planning the summer

June 1, 2016 Alexandra 0

Although it may seem early to be thinking about the summer, it is actually the perfect time. For me it is motivation to get things done. As the essays pile up it feels like a […]

wine bottle drawing

Study tips with DoNation

May 18, 2016 Hayley 0

Exam tips is something we could all do with, especially at the moment. Something I’ve found is that I will be sat down typing away at my assignments, not wanting to give myself an opportunity […]

View from the lectern in a lecture theatre

A day in the life

March 3, 2016 Alexandra 0

Monday 7.00am – Up and ready for lectures at 9. I like to take my time to get ready in the morning otherwise I find I feel like I am running behind schedule for the […]

Exam week

February 4, 2016 Alexandra 0

    So after three weeks at home with my family it was time return to university for exam week. I would like to say I had a very relaxing three weeks but I was […]

Preparing for exams

December 25, 2015 Alexandra 0

  Although my excitement around Christmas is totally uncontainable it is essential for me to carry on revising intently. As soon as the Christmas holidays are over it is time for my first set of […]

No Picture

My final year is approaching…

July 29, 2015 Josh 0

Well it’s nearly here, the final year of my degree; wow. Only feels like a couple of months ago I was being introduced to staffs uni in general, time sure does fly when you’re having […]

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