A day in the life

View from the lectern in a lecture theatre

ashley lecture theatre


7.00am – Up and ready for lectures at 9. I like to take my time to get ready in the morning otherwise I find I feel like I am running behind schedule for the rest of the day.

8.40am – I often walk with a friend from where I live to the uni as it is nice to socialise a bit before lectures. It is especially nice on a Monday as it is a very busy day.

9.00am – 10.00am – This session is preparation time for a presentation we have to give in a group. We usually have work to do during the week for it and then bring together the ideas in our groups. This session really helps to improve teamwork skills and work on presentation skills, both of which will be vital to have in any career in the future. After this there is one hour until I have to be in the next lecture and I usually take the opportunity to go home and have a lay down for half an hour. This might seem a little over the top but a medical condition I suffer with affects my energy levels so I take sleep where I can on Mondays.

11.00am-1.00pm – This seminar is with our tutors and helps us develop our skills which will serve us in all aspects of our course and beyond. Career elements are embedded in the course such as presentation skills. For example in the first lecture back from the Christmas holidays we were given 10 minutes to pick our favourite film and prepare to stand up and explain the plot in 30 second.

1.00pm – 3.00pm – A lecture talking about people behaving badly. It is very interesting and tends to be more interactive than some of the others. For example we did interviews between each other last week and the week before we had a quiz.

3.00pm – Usually when I get home I will sleep for a while so that I have energy for the rest of the evening.

5.00pm – Before dinner I usually try to write up my notes from that lecture and listen back through it to make sure I understand everything. I find this really important as some aspects of the lecture I forget and there is so much content it is important to make sure I understand it all.


En-suite Accommodation Kitchen
My flat’s kitchen – a great place or everyone to catch up


6.30pm – Usually around this time I will make dinner. Often there will be 3 or 4 of us in the flat making dinner at the same time which is a great chance to catch up with each other. After dinner I usually do some more uni work and then watch a film before I go to bed ready for it to start all again tomorrow.


This is a snapshot of a day and this is the day I have most lectures but less of everything else such as food shopping and cleaning the flat and any other independent study we get given. My days off (Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday) usually turn out to be busier than the days which I am in lectures more. Keeping up with friends both at uni and back at home as well as family also takes time. Around deadline times I tend to do less other stuff and stick to working, but everyone else at uni understands that there are times when you just cannot socialise because, at the end of the day, your degree is most important.

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About Alexandra 49 Articles
Hi, I’m Alexandra! Studying Psychology (BSc) in my second year, but in my spare time I enjoy baking, reading and walking in the countryside! I’m a member of the Psychology Society, and I hope to study a Masters and PhD when I graduate and then one day, to be a Psychology Researcher – it can really help to change people’s lives! My guilty pleasure is chocolate, I love it too much!