Clearing Made Clear

10 Top Tips for Clearing!

August 3, 2017 Samantha 0

Hey everyone, Samantha here again! As promised, I am here doing my 10 top tips when it comes to Clearing. These tips will ensure that you are well prepared if you need to go to […]

A woman's holding a phone over a laptop

Food Shopping: The Smart (App) Way

May 21, 2017 Jaz 0

Hello! Now, summer may be just around the corner and I can see the relief on the faces of all you poor souls who have completed those pesky yet vital exams! You’ve more than earned […]

House hunting Tips

January 20, 2017 Zach 0

via GIPHY It’s that time of the year, time to find a house, very stressful and for those who are moving from University halls into a house it can be very confusing. I remember being […]

A note pinned to a cork board


March 16, 2016 Charlize 0

Procrastination. What is it? The action of delaying or postponing something. Many of us, including me suffer with procrastination. I know what I want and how to get it but getting it done is the […]

4 ladies sat down waiting for an interview

How To Dress For An Interview

December 28, 2015 Charlize 0

Dressing the part for an interview is very crucial in whether an employer sees you fit enough to work for their establishment or not. Having a perfect CV with great skills may not always be […]