Top 5 Life Hacks for Remote Working

Top 5 Life Hacks for Remote Working

Since the pandemic, the UK government has advised us to stay at home and to work from home if we can. Now that we must adjust to fresh ways of learning and working, it may seem overwhelming. Even if you were working remotely before, lockdown has brought everyone unique hurdles, so here are our top five life hacks to help boost productivity at home.


Dedicate a Workspace. ?️

In this study, 80% of young professionals admit to working from bed—who can blame them? But just think about this: why would you want your cosy, warm bed to be associated with work? It is a shudder-inducing thought indeed.

Choose an area, ideally not in the bedroom, where you can study and work. Perhaps there is a room with a lot of good artificial light and warmth? It may even be the living room or kitchen, but it is important that you have a place where you can focus and associate with productivity.


Set Some Boundaries! ❌

Talk with your family or roommates about your schedule, so that they can respect the time you need to focus. If you are not able to work in a quiet room, invest in some sound-cancelling headphones or listen to some white noise to help you stay focused.

Not only is it important to set boundaries within your household, but also at work. It is easy to get carried away with work at home, especially if you are having to squeeze in deadlines or take on new tasks. Try to log off when your workday is over so that you can spend some quality time with your loved ones.


To-Do Lists. ?️

It will be difficult to focus on work whilst distractions are looming. I, for one, just had to log out of social media because I would be on autopilot, scrolling through dog videos until who knows when.

One of the best ways to combat procrastination is to set a to-do list. One way that you can do this is to set reminders on your Google calendar or notebook and dedicate each hour to an important task. If you complete the task within the timeframe given, you can reward yourself with a break!


Take regular Breaks. ?‍♀️

We are exposed to so much artificial light now. We are in a virtual meeting, replying to texts, whilst a lamp blares in our eyes. That is not good for us, is it? Not only does that affect our sleep patterns, but it will also affect our mood.

Get outside, even if it is in your garden or balcony, and reap the natural benefits from the sunlight. Not only is it good for your eyes, but 15 minutes of natural light also boosts your serotonin intake, produces vitamin D, increases creativity, and more.

Also, do your best not to work virtually an hour or two before bed. Looking at bright screens reduces the melatonin in your body that you need to fall asleep. When your sleep schedule is out of whack, not only will you have a poor quality of sleep, but you will also be less productive than the day before.


Be Kind. ?

Working from home is new, challenging, and it can overwhelm us. Every day is a new day to do the best you can, and every evening is the time to switch off from work, relax, love yourself and others around you.

Stay connected with colleagues, family and friends and remember that we are not superhuman. Acknowledge that we may not get everything that we hoped to get done that day, and that is okay. Be pragmatic about what you can do for the day ahead instead.


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Top Tips For Virtual Interview Success


5 Tips for (Virtual) Interview Success!

Since the pandemic, we have all had to adapt to newer ways of communicating—with family, friends, and potential employers. For landing a new job, first impressions have always been important, but it is now even more important to show your best self through your digital screen. So, how do you do that? Here are the top 5 tips to ensure that you are ready to ace your next virtual interview!

1: Prep your Tech. ⚙️

While you may be fully prepared to talk about your qualifications and work experience, what good would that be if your connection cut-out midway during a great conversation? Here are some things to look out for before your interview:

  • Have an ethernet cable plugged in to avoid any unwanted disruptions.
  • Rehearse the interview with a friend to ensure your camera, microphone, and connection are working sufficiently.
  • Before your interview, silence your phone, close irrelevant tabs, and try to reschedule any deliveries for a later time.
  • Add your interview’s time and date into your calendar so that you are ready on time.

2: Dress the Part. ?

Whilst the interview may take place in your bedroom, make sure you have taken the steps to dress out of your comfy pyjamas and into something more formal and appropriate.

There are usually one of three main types of dress-code suggested for the interview (research the company’s dress-code beforehand):

  • Professional
  • Business-Casual
  • Smart-Casual

Making this effort will show that you care for the role, whilst bringing a sense of normality to the virtual interview. There is also a science to it: researchers have found that dressing the part improves your focus, productivity, and performance, so it is a win-win situation for both you and the employer!

3: Look Around You! ?

Working from home has brought about memorable and viral videos and news articles, but whilst it is funny and relatable, it is best to remove those distractions for your interview. Not only will a quiet and clean background look professional, but it will also show the employer that you have an environment where you can work well in and will not be distracted by.

Look around your space and ask yourself these questions:

  • Are there any offensive or inappropriate objects in the background?
  • How would I feel if I saw my that in my interviewer’s background?

If you can add a ‘background filter’ which looks professional in your interview, use it if you feel you cannot alter your space yourself. The ‘blur’ effect or a simple office background effect will be appropriate. Do not put any inappropriate filters on your camera.

Also, whilst it is hard to control background noise, do your best to find a quiet space with a good connection. Invest in some soundproof headphones, so that you can focus on the interview. The headphones will also reduce any feedback sound.

4: The “Virtual” Handshake ?

During your interview, it will be tricky for your interviewer to read your body language, so it is important to recreate an authentic experience as best you can. In an in-person interview, it is important to maintain eye contact, so look up at the camera to show that you are attentive, approachable, and friendly. Also, show that you are passionate about the position by smiling and sitting up straight.

After your interview, send a quick ‘thank you’ email to your interviewer to show that you appreciate them giving you their time. You could also ask a quick question about the role that you forgot to ask during your interview to show more interest in the position.

5: Be Prepared!?

Now that you have the right space, outfit and technology for your interview, the best tip is saved for last: be prepared!

  • Thoroughly research the company you would like to work for. The interviewer would love to see that you care about the company and that you took the time and effort to decide that the job is right for you too.
  • Write some notes that would be useful for the interview. Also, prepare any documents or relevant portfolio required for the interview beforehand.
  • Let your lovely personality shine through. Do not be too scripted, so that it hinders your character and wonderful qualities. Your interviewer wants to see how well you will gel with the team, so stay professional and friendly.


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