Our Networks

The C3 Centre regularly collaborates with other organisations and HE institutions nationally and internationally. The goal of these networks is to improve connectivity between researchers and educators with shared interests to C3, supporting collaborative efforts to advance knowledge and practices. These networks promote a variety of interests at regional, national, and international level. They also provide learners and researchers at all levels (students and staff) with exchange opportunities and research partnerships.

ELIA (European League of Institutes of Arts)

We are a full member of ELIA. ELIA is a globally connected European network that provides a dynamic platform for exchange and development in higher arts education. It represents more than 280 members in 52 countries, across all art disciplines. ELIA advocates for higher arts education by creating new opportunities for its members and facilitating the exchange of good practice. ELIA realises its aims by organising events, forming cross-membership working groups, participating in research projects, and producing policy papers addressing topical issues.

PaTHES (Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Society)

The Society provides a collaborative space for scholars to come together, in reflecting on the values of the university as an institution and on higher education as educational practices. It aims to be central in the formation and the development of the philosophy and theory of higher education as a recognised field of study.

The Council for Higher Education in Art & Design

The Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD) is the representative body for the art, design, creative media, and related disciplines in higher education. Its mission is to advance the development of the art and design community in higher education and beyond, its standing and stature as well as its engagement with the outside world.

SCUDD / Drama HE

DramaHE represents the interests of drama, theatre, and performance in the Higher Education sector of the United Kingdom. DramaHE builds on the legacy of its SCUDD years and continues to act as a mediating body with organisations such as the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) and funding councils, the AHRC and the Arts Councils, and is consulted by such organisations when matters of future policy are discussed and decided. As the representative body for teaching and research in drama, theatre, and performance, DramaHE is concerned, above all, to promote the multi-disciplined areas represented by its membership.

NCACE (National Centre for Academic and Cultural Exchange)

NCACE is an initiative led by TCCE and funded by Research England. We facilitate and support capacity for Knowledge Exchange between Higher Education and the arts and cultural sector across the UK, with a particular focus on evidencing and showcasing the social, cultural, environmental, as well as economic, impacts of such activities.

NCCPE (National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement)

The NCCPE advocates for the role of public and community engagement in building a more inclusive higher education sector. NCCPE’s missions are focused on mobilising higher education (HE) and knowledge institutions to realise the value of public and community engagement, for long-term change.  NCCPE aims to inspire collective action across and beyond the HE system and promote environments and cultures where high-quality and equitable engagement activity is recognised, rewarded, and can flourish.