
Our aim is for our projects to be instrumental in allowing our internationally recognised research to inform and influence local and regional policies and practices,  to ensure creative economy and creative potential of individuals can drive regeneration of the city. Together with our regional partners, and as formulated through one of our creative leadership projects, we have a vision that in 10 years’ time that:

  • our projects have contributed significantly to our region’s and cities’ ability to feel like vibrant, lively, cultural, creative places making use of our internationally significant underpinning work for the regional creative economy, our research-informed support for existing clusters of film and clay, and our ability to use arts and culture for economic and social resilience,
  • through our partnerships within projects we collectively have achieved a focussed cultural and creative investment into the city region, making use of the placemaking power of co-creation,
  • using our collective cultural assets, our second-order cities can continue to become the creative powerhouses in their regions, and that our projects contribute to the critical mass of cultural interactions between regions and city,
  • through the evidence based work within our projects we can help decision makers and policy makers to leverage investment into regional arts and culture,
  • and that collectively we have achieved a substantial  increase in post-industrial heritage spaces re-used for community-facing creative purposes and preserved by virtue of being brought back into use as part of our work on placemaking.

In the academic year 2020/2021, members of the C3 centre have collectively bid for projects of a Staffs Uni value of £3,475,324.00.

Over the years there have been numerous successful Staffordshire University projects weaved into the fabric of our city region, so we list here only a selection of recent  and ongoing projects: