Research Seminar – Developing Proposals


WED MARCH 8th 3.30-5.00P.M  ON TEAMS
(for a MS Teams invite, contact Rebecca Nunes)

Please join us as we consider PROPOSALS  in the framework of our research. How does research get funded?  Dr Kevin Colls will be sharing experiences of successful strategies to get a project supported.


Dr Colls is Associate Professor of Archaeology, working for the Centre of Archaeology at Staffordshire University. He has directed and published archaeological projects throughout the United Kingdom and Europe and holds over 20 years’ experience in professional archaeology.


His academic duties include acting as course leader for both undergraduate and postgraduate provisions and Kevin teaches on a number of modules across the University; including forensic archaeology, genocide investigation and residential summer schools in archaeology, conflict and genocide studies, and practical archaeology


(It’s not) All about REF.

(It’s not) All about REF.


How preparing for REF can help with research.


The C3 Research Centre (Prof Ian Brown and Prof Neil Brownsword) will be delivering two sessions for our C3 members, to assist in understanding and preparing for REF for those who have practice-based aspects of their research. Linking to other related research contexts, such as AHRC criteria, we will focus on the two key elements that accompany the submission of research outputs for the REF submission and discuss the wider benefits for researchers in utilising them.


We particularly welcome those new to research, or the REF processes, as well as those who are more familiar or have been previously submitted to the REF. Indeed, those who have this experience will be invaluable in contributing to discussions on how the process was for them and lessons learnt.


  • Session 1: 300-word research statement
  • Date: 8th Feb 2023
  • Time: 14:00-15:30
  • Activity: Presentation and Workshop
  • Room: T005 Beacon


This session will focus on the requirements of the 300-word REF research statement, what role this plays in the submission and how the production of research statements can support the development of research.


If you would like some support in writing research statements, please bring along any written material that you may have on current research projects (at whatever stage they are at) as we will be using a workshop format to support each other in their development.


  • Session 2: Research Portfolio
  • Date: 15th March
  • Time: 14:00-15:30
  • Activity: Presentation and Workshop
  • Room: T005 Beacon


This session will focus on the requirements of the REF Research Portfolio, what role this plays in the submission and how the production of research portfolio material can support the development of research.

If you would like some support in producing the material for the Research Portfolio, please bring along any written and visual material that you may have on current research projects (at whatever stage they are at) as we will be using a workshop format to support each other in their development.

(It’s not) All about REF.

(It’s not) All about REF.


How preparing for REF can help with research.


The C3 Research Centre (Prof Ian Brown and Prof Neil Brownsword) will be delivering two sessions for our C3 members, to assist in understanding and preparing for REF for those who have practice-based aspects of their research. Linking to other related research contexts, such as AHRC criteria, we will focus on the two key elements that accompany the submission of research outputs for the REF submission and discuss the wider benefits for researchers in utilising them.


We particularly welcome those new to research, or the REF processes, as well as those who are more familiar or have been previously submitted to the REF. Indeed, those who have this experience will be invaluable in contributing to discussions on how the process was for them and lessons learnt.


  • Session 1: 300-word research statement
  • Date: 8th Feb 2023
  • Time: 14:00-15:30
  • Activity: Presentation and Workshop
  • Room: T005 Beacon


This session will focus on the requirements of the 300-word REF research statement, what role this plays in the submission and how the production of research statements can support the development of research.


If you would like some support in writing research statements, please bring along any written material that you may have on current research projects (at whatever stage they are at) as we will be using a workshop format to support each other in their development.


  • Session 2: Research Portfolio
  • Date: 15th March
  • Time: 14:00-15:30
  • Activity: Presentation and Workshop
  • Room: T005 Beacon


This session will focus on the requirements of the REF Research Portfolio, what role this plays in the submission and how the production of research portfolio material can support the development of research.

If you would like some support in producing the material for the Research Portfolio, please bring along any written and visual material that you may have on current research projects (at whatever stage they are at) as we will be using a workshop format to support each other in their development.

(It’s not) All about REF.

(It’s not) All about REF.

How preparing for REF can help with research.

The C3 Research Centre (Prof Ian Brown and Prof Neil Brownsword) will be delivering two sessions for our C3 members, to assist in understanding and preparing for REF for those who have practice-based aspects of their research. Linking to other related research contexts, such as AHRC criteria, we will focus on the two key elements that accompany the submission of research outputs for the REF submission and discuss the wider benefits for researchers in utilising them.

We particularly welcome those new to research, or the REF processes, as well as those who are more familiar or have been previously submitted to the REF. Indeed, those who have this experience will be invaluable in contributing to discussions on how the process was for them and lessons learnt.

  • Session 1: 300-word research statement
  • Date: 8th Feb 2023
  • Time: 14:00-15:30
  • Activity: Presentation and Workshop
  • Room: T005 Beacon

This session will focus on the requirements of the 300-word REF research statement, what role this plays in the submission and how the production of research statements can support the development of research.

If you would like some support in writing research statements, please bring along any written material that you may have on current research projects (at whatever stage they are at) as we will be using a workshop format to support each other in their development.

  • Session 2: Research Portfolio
  • Date: 15th March
  • Time: 14:00-15:30
  • Activity: Presentation and Workshop
  • Room: T005 Beacon

This session will focus on the requirements of the REF Research Portfolio, what role this plays in the submission and how the production of research portfolio material can support the development of research.

If you would like some support in producing the material for the Research Portfolio, please bring along any written and visual material that you may have on current research projects (at whatever stage they are at) as we will be using a workshop format to support each other in their development.

Practice-Based Research: Writing 300-word statements and Developing your (also REF) Portfolio

Prof Ian Brown, Co-Director of C3, will lead two sessions focussing on practice-based or practice-as-research.


  • 8th Feb 2023 – 2-3:30pm: Overview of Practice-based research (and related published research) along with a session on writing 300 word statements.
  • 1st March 2023 – 2-3:3p: developing a portfolio.

More details will be announced on our C3 MS Teams channel, or contact Prof Ian Brown.

C3 and DTA PGR Research Seminar

Event Details

  • Date: 11:00 – 13:00 19 January 2023
  • Where:Catalyst Creativity Zone CA303
  • Who: Open to all PGRs, DTA and C3 members

C3 and DTA PGR Research Seminar

Research seminar open for all PGRs on the morning of Thursday, January 19th 2023, in the Catalyst Building. Contact Dave Payling for details.

  • Marina Miltiadou – Teaching Music Visually
  • Tim Anderson – Using Bricolage to Imagine/Image the Eschaton as a Solo Digital Artist
  • Joel Morrey – Co-authorship and perceived audience ownership in participatory sound art: how does the perceived level of co-authorship influence an audience’s critical opinion of a work?
  • Mike Knowles – The Producer in Independent British Film Making
  • Calum Wilton – Environmental Audiovisual Composition

They will all present a talk on their research.

Please note, this is an in-person event. Tea and coffee will be available!

C3 and DTA PGR Research Seminar

C3 and DTA PGR Research Seminar

  • Date: 11:00 – 13:00 19 January 2023
  • Where:Catalyst Creativity Zone CA303
  • Who: Open to all PGRs, DTA and C3 members

Research seminar open for all PGRs on the morning of Thursday, January 19th 2023, in the Catalyst Building. Contact Dave Payling for details.

New Factory Events! In-person and Online!

Factory is delivering a number of events coming up. Do feel free to share this info on with others you think might be interested.

FACTORY is an ERDF funded project, delivered in collaboration with the Chamber, BCB, and Staffordshire University. It supports innovation-led-practices for the SME Creative Industries in Stoke-on-Trent. Our partner organisation BCB has also a webpage dedicated to FACTORY available here

Factory Seminar – A Beginners Guide to Funding and Grant Applications  (In-person)  

  • Delivered by: Clare Wood 
  • Date: 26th October, 2022 
  • Time: 6-7.30pm 
  • Location: Room L410, Flaxman Building, Staffordshire University, College Road, ST4 2DE 
  • More info and to Book Now 


Factory Lunch Hour – Keeping it Simple: Admin and Organisation 

  • Delivered by: Natalie Armitage and Rhiannon Ewing-James 
  • Date: 1st November, 2022 
  • Time: 1-2pm 
  • Location: Online 
  • More info and to Book Now 


Artist Development Surgeries 

  • The BCB Artist Development Surgeries are an opportunity to talk about a project or idea that has a connection to Stoke-on-Trent, its people, place or industries. This opportunity is for people feel they would benefit from speaking about it with a member of the BCB Artistic Programme/Exhibitions team.  
  • Date: 7th November, 2022 
  • Time: 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm. 
  • Location: Online 
  • More info and to Book Now 


Factory Seminar – To Pitch or Not to Pitch: Responding to Procurement Tenders and how this could be an opportunity (Online) 


Factory Seminar – The guide to knowing your audience 


Factory Lunch Hour – Knowing your worth: Pricing your work and time 


Factory Lunch Hour – Streamline Your Client Management