Fostering digital entrepreneurship in Europe

The European Commission has launched a tender which aims to foster digital entrepreneurship with SMEs. They want to promote SMEs that are good at developing digital products. The tender fits a number of different skill and research areas in the University so it may be a project that is well suited to be worked on across faculties.

Funding Body: European Commission –Competitiveness and Innovation
Scheme: Fostering digital entrepreneurship in Europe: raising awareness and the visibility of digital icons and creation of a European e-mentors ecosystem
Overview: The commission wants to:
•    Raise media attention to European business and entrepreneurs that offer new digital products and services, invent innovative business models and thrive through the intelligent use of novel digital technologies
•    Set up a mentoring ecosystem to help spark, support and expand new business ideas and fuel Digital Entrepreneurship in Europe
Projects will last up to 24 months.
Budget: Maximum price €3m
Deadlines: 6 September 2013
Further Information: Below is the link to the tender, plus on this blog you can download a factsheet giving a broader overview of the tender below the link.

Fostering digital entrepreneurship in Europe

Royal Society Industry Fellowships

The Royal Society, in collaboration with the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, the Natural Environment Research Council, Rolls-Royce and BP, invites applications for its industry fellowships.

This scheme is for academic scientists who want to work on a collaborative project with industry and for scientists in industry who want to work on a collaborative project with an academic organisation with a university department or a not-for-profit research organisation.

It aims to enhance knowledge transfer in science and technology between those in industry and those in academia in the UK. It is anticipated that fellows will establish personal and corporate links between the two sectors in the UK as a foundation for their long-term future development.

The scheme provides the applicant’s basic salary while on secondment. The employing organisation continue to pay national insurance and pension contributions. Research expenses may be claimed up to the value of £2,000 per year.

All natural sciences, including agriculture, mathematics, biotechnology, environmental research, medical and engineering sciences, are eligible. Projects at any stage from fundamental science to industrial innovation will be supported.

Applications involving spin-offs or small companies are encouraged.

Awards can be for any period up to two years full time or four years pro rata.

Closing date 16 Oct 13 (Forecast)

For further information go to:

EPSRC Funding for the Internet of Things

This is a fund for researchers involved in internet-embedded applications. There is no specified budget per project, but it looks as though there could be around £350,000 per project. Proposals should focus on early stage directed research through to implementation, testing and iterative improvement of technologies or methods with potential beneficiaries. Projects must have a user partner who is actively engaged in the research.

Funding Body: EPSRC
Scheme: Research in the Wild – Internet of Things
Overview: This seeks to encourage user-driven research in the emerging area of Internet of Things- systems and methodologies that underpins internet-enabled applications, based on physical objects and the environment, seamlessly integrating into this information network.
Activities could either test new technologies and methods with potential beneficiaries in the user domain or look at new ways of using existing technologies and methods. Applications must demonstrate:
•that the research challenge has been co-created with an end-user from the public, private or third sector;
•that the research will be conducted ‘in the wild’, exposing it to potential beneficiaries;
•that the potential impact of the research will be realised by the end-users or related beneficiaries.
Budget: Up to £3.5 million is available to fund approximately 10 projects for a duration of 18 months
Deadlines: 24/10/13
Further Information:


Call for Tenders: Training Packages for Health Professionals

The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers has published a call for tenders concerning training packages for health professionals to improve access and quality of health services for migrants and ethnic minorities, including the Roma.
The work to be prepared under this call for tender is to review, develop, test and evaluate training for health professionals in order to facilitate the access and improve the quality of health services for migrants and ethnic minorities such as the Roma in the European Union.
The deadline to submit tenders is the 27 September 2013
For additional information go to:

Knowledge alliances – bridging the gap between Higher Education and Business



Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances 

Knowledge Alliances are a new type of project which, following pilot calls in 2011 and 2012 under the Lifelong Learning Programme, will form part of the Erasmus+ Programme 2014 – 2020.

Knowledge Alliances are structured partnerships between Higher Education Institutes (HEI) and the business community. They are intended to facilitate long-term active exchange and collaboration between HEI and business to foster entrepreneurship and innovation. Knowlege Alliances are part of the second key activity area for HEI under Erasmus+: cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practice. 
Knowledge Alliance activities are expected to trigger innovative approaches, entrepreneural skills and the possibility of new products and services. They are therefore broadly defined and might include the development and implementation of new learning and teaching methods; structured mobility; a new multidisciplinary curriculum or a new company approach to staff development.

At least three counties must be involved in a Knowledge Alliance represented by at least one HEI and one private company in all participating countries. Partner organisations will be expected to raise at least 25% of the funds required for their Knowlege Alliance.

The concept of Knowledge Alliances was piloted in 2011 and 2012. Three out of 94 proposals were selected for funding in 2011 and three out of 103 applications in 2012. The successful pilot proposals are: 

CIAKL – Cinema and Industry Alliance for Knowledge and Teaching

EUEN – European University Enterprise Network

KNOWFACT – European Teaching Factory Paradigm in Manufacturing Education

E-NSPIRATION – Energy Innovative Training programme

EDUCCKATE – Education Cultural and Creative Knowledge Alliance for Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs

EURL3A – European Real Life Learning Lab Alliance 

For further details see the Knowledge Alliance web site

Funding for Scientific Posts

This year’s long awaited University Research Fellowship call have finally come out. The Royal Society has funding to pay 80% of costs for a researcher not currently employed in a University. You must have a specific person in mind because they are looking for Outstanding Early Career Researchers who have the potential to become leaders in their field.
They have about 35 fellowships to award. Last year’s success rate was 12%.
Anyone thinking of applying should let the External Projects Team know as bids have to be approved by them before submission.

Funding Body: The Royal Society
Scheme: University Research Fellowship
Overview: The scheme is for a scientific researcher who does not have a permanent post. They must have a PhD, and must have 3-8 years research experience since their PhD, it is expected that they will get a permanent post at the end of the funding. Funding is for five years.
The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine and biomedical research.
Budget: The fund gives 80% of the basic salary costs up to £38,759.20, plus estates costs and indirect costs. Research expenses (up to £13,000 for the first year and up to £11,000 annually thereafter) will also be provided.
Deadlines: 17 September 2013
Further Information:


How can big data be used in Arts and Humanities?


We are seeing a range of funding bodies offer opportunities for researchers to work with Big Data, with two current calls seeking to address how this can most effectively be used within Arts and Humanities. Big data is information resources which are so large that they exceed the capacity of commonly used software and analysis tools, so new approaches and methodologies have to be developed to analyse them.  Big data is a challenge across all research disciplines, from the Large Hadron Collider to British Library archives and poses new legal and ethical challenges in its use.

The AHRC has a £4 million pot to explore Big Data as part of their Digital Transformations on the Arts and Humanities theme, with a closing date of 12th September.  There are two different scales of projects that will be supported, those up to £100K and those up to £600k.  For funding of up to £100k, pilot projects looking at innovative uses of existing datasets are sought; with early career researchers in particular being encouraged.  For the larger projects more in depth approaches are sought.  Collaborations and interdisciplinary investigations are encouraged across both strands, with British Library and National Archives offering to consider access to materials.

Nesta also has a specific Big Data strand under its Collaborative R&D Fund for the Arts.  This funding stream will support partnership applications involving a consortium of 3 arts organisations, a technology partner and a research partner. Friday 13th September is the deadline for expressions of interest, for projects up to £300k.

Please contact if you are interested. Further information: AHRC and  Digital R&D funding for the Arts

Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowships to work with Industry

The Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowships have announced their Industrial Secondment Scheme for this year, with a deadline of September 30th.  Projects must involve a secondment to an industrial host and focus on exchange of current industry working practices to inform teaching and curriculum development.  It is aimed that the projects will be tha start of a longer term cooperation.  The scheme supports salary costs for the period of the secondment and is open to all disciplines.

Further Information:


Funding for new teaching and learning developments in marketing

The Academy of Marketing has grants of up to £2000 to support research into teaching and learning related to marketing.  They are looking to fund projects involving pedagogic research into innovative and effective learning, teaching and assessment methods. There is a deadline of 19th August which is a tight turnaround but the application form is short in line with the small value of funding.  Please contact if you are interested in this call.

Further details: 


Funding for innovative PhD and early career researcher training

AHRCs Collaborative Skills Development Call is aimed at supporting the development of innovative, collaborative training packages for PhD students and early career researchers in the arts and humanities through a range of interventions:

  • Funding of up to £60,000 to offer training and skills development activities to groups of students and Early Career Researchers in several institutions.
  • Funds up to £5,000 to support ECRs to establish and run collaborative training and researcher development activities . 
  • Support for doctoral students to establish and run smaller-scale collaborative activities, with an award limit of £3,000. 

Innovative interventions such as internships, competitions, entrepreneurs-in-residence, etc are encouraged.  Applications will be eligible from any discipline within AHRC’s remit but should focus on:

  • Partnership working including public engagement
  • Entrepreneurship and the Creative Economy
  • Research Skills Enrichment

The closing date is 19th September 2013, please contact if you are interested.  Further information:,1PYAH,71UHKB,64BKR,1