Staffordshire University’s ARBOR project under the leadership of Dr Sacha Oberweis has joined the BIOREFINE Cluster Europe, an initiative which links 15 national and international projects and involves more than 80 institutions from 14 EU member states. The projects are all focussed in some way on nutrient and energy cycling.
Sacha is a member of the steering group of the cluster which aims to stimulate project interaction as well as interaction of the institutions, organisations and individuals involved.
The cluster was launched from the NEW INTERREG IV.B project BIOREFINE and it’s aim will be to source sustainable biomass, improve energy technology and refine and recuperate products from the bio-energy process sidestreams.
The total budget for the project exceeds 30 million Euros.
In 2014, the projects within the cluster will work to develop tools and actions to enhance their mutual interaction, stakeholder outreach will be enhanced and project development will be increased.
Ultimately, the cluster aims to develop a community of like-minded organisations sharing a common interest in Biorefinery.
For further information please contact Sacha Oberweis on: S.Oberweis@staffs.ac.uk
Accelerating Renewable Energies through valorisation of Biogenic Organic Raw Material (ARBOR).
The ARBOR project has supported the establishment of a European Centre of Excellence for Biomass Trigeneration based at Staffordshire University, which aims to implement innovative approaches from across Europe, working with a range of organisations to increase the adoption of biomass for energy production. Through European partnerships the project exchanges best practice with other research organisations specialising in biomass.
Part of the Beacon Building is now heated by biomass, realised by ARBOR.
Partners include:
- Inagro vzw Belgium,
- CRP Henri Tudor Luxembourg,
- IZES gGmbH, Saarbrücken
- Wageningen University, Netherlands
- FlandersBio, Ghent, Belgium
- VCM vzw, Brugge,
- POM West-Vlaanderen, Brugge, Belgium
- University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin
- DLV Plant, Wageningen, Netherlands
- Stoke on Trent City Council,
- Ghent University, Ghent, Belgiium
- Provincie Utrecht
ARBOR is an INTERREG IVB project with a total value of €7,289,415. The project began in 2010 and is due to end in 2015/16.