What’s in my bag – Student Midwife style

Items that annrose has in her normal university bag
Whenever I am going to lecture or placement, these are the things I have in my bag. I do not have absolutely everything, but these are the basics and what I consider to be essential!

(Going from left to right)

Notebook: Whenever I go to lecture, I always have a small notebook to take notes in. It’s small and not too heavy to carry around. I like having a small notebook, so that when I come home I can write my notes out again properly.

Diary/Planner: I am the least organised person ever, so this is key for me. Even though I still to this day don’t put everything in my planner, I noticed than when I have, I feel much less stressed! This is a special midwifery one which was ridiculously expensive, but you can get a normal diary which is just as good!

Water: I am sure you don’t need me to tell you how important it is to stay hydrated, but there is nothing more satisfying than a swig of water throughout the day to keep you fresh!

Textbooks: Whilst I don’t always carry my textbooks around because they are just so heavy, they are good to have as a source of information. I would thoroughly recommend the two in the picture (Skills for Midwifery Practice and the Myles Textbook for Midwives). They are filled with so much information, and are quite fun to read when you want to learn something new. I didn’t buy mine because the latest editions are ridiculously expensive, but if you buy them you can make notes in them.

Stethoscope and Sphygmometer: I only have these when I am going on placement, unless I need them for lectures. I think these are essential when you are on placement because you will know how to use your own equipment, rather than having to use something you aren’t familiar with. I got this set for about £15 from Amazon, and it works absolutely fine. I will see how long it lasts. I would also recommend having a pinard, but I still haven’t managed to buy one yet.

Hand cream/hand sanitiser: I cannot stand having dry hands, and with the amount of handwashing people in health do, our hands are almost permanently dry. I like having hand cream around just to moisturise my hands and make them smell nice. I also like having hand sanitiser just to keep hygienic and clean, and I like this one in the picture ( Passion Flower and Mango) because it looks and smells nice!

Stationary: This is compulsory whether you are on placement on in lectures. I have a million pens because people just love stealing my pens. I also have highlighters to help highlight things that stand out to me when I am reading something. I also like the felt tip pens I have to help with revision or just to make notes.

I hope this post was interesting and maybe helpful for those wondering what is best to have when you are on placement or going to lecture. As mentioned before, there are some things that I haven’t included because I don’t have it, but this is just personally what I carry around, and my back loves me for it.

Ann 🙂