Pictures on a notice board

Feeling homesick at uni

November 30, 2015 Annrose 0

Moving away from home is one of the most liberating things to do. Not only can you experience a degree of freedom (after spending the majority of your life living with strict parents), but it […]

Vision Board

Vision Boards

November 29, 2015 Charlize 0

When you hear “vision board” what do you think of? Some of you may not have even heard of vision boards but I guarantee you that once you make one you won’t look back. Vision […]

Jaz and fellow student in the OMG studio

Star Blogs: The Prequels of the Sequels?

November 25, 2015 Jaz 0

Blog 5 – THE PHANTOM BLOGGER  1st November 2015 (Yes, I know… I’ve gone as far as using the Star Wars prequel titles in my blogs) Lights! Camera! Action! That’s enough dramatic flair for one […]

Wooden sign saying Welcome to Springetts

Onto the next one

November 23, 2015 Joe 0

After a lovely 2 week break I have just started my next placement. I am working for a design agency called Springetts in a bustling area of London near Baker Street. I was spotted by one […]

Member of University staff supporting a student in an office

Uni With A Mental Health Issue

November 13, 2015 Rebecca 0

Uni life can be pretty difficult at times during your first year. It’s to be expected and is surprisingly okay to deal with when you have the right people to talk to. Uni life was […]

Inside legends showing the back of Mukky Duck and student celebrating on the dance floor

Mukky Duck at Stafford

November 10, 2015 Annrose 0

Mukky Duck is the place to be on a Friday if you’re living at Stafford and you want a cheap and fun night out! It’s held at Legends and the Lounge every Friday night from about […]

A letter to my young self…

November 5, 2015 Queenie 0

This past month has been pretty exciting for me. Mostly because it was the first time since graduation that I felt some sort of change in my life. For a while I was beginning to […]

Backward shot of the boats leaving Rio

Rio to Cape Town

November 5, 2015 Richard Edwards 0

When I took the job on the ClipperRace, I always knew it would be difficult. You need look no further than the fact people always drop out. These range from Skippers to Crew, and various […]

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