10 Things I Miss From Student Life

December 31, 2015 Joe 0

As much as I am enjoying ‘working life’, there are some things I am missing about being a student and the lifestyle I had for 3 years. Going to university was the best decision I […]

Looking out of a Plane window

My Life Plan

December 30, 2015 Queenie 0

Ok so I realize that I have not really been letting you guys in on what exactly I have been doing since graduating. I mean so much for a graduate blog huh? The truth is […]

4 ladies sat down waiting for an interview

How To Dress For An Interview

December 28, 2015 Charlize 0

Dressing the part for an interview is very crucial in whether an employer sees you fit enough to work for their establishment or not. Having a perfect CV with great skills may not always be […]

greenpad website

Finding a house for next year

December 27, 2015 Alexandra 0

A few weeks ago it was coming to that time where it was necessary to start house hunting and finding who to live with next year. The group I will be living with next year […]

One Media Group Logo

One Media Group Social

December 26, 2015 Rebecca 0

Being a Radio Production student I knew I would be signing up for the student radio station, One Media Group (OMG). Since week one I have been a part of the radio station and I […]

Preparing for exams

December 25, 2015 Alexandra 0

  Although my excitement around Christmas is totally uncontainable it is essential for me to carry on revising intently. As soon as the Christmas holidays are over it is time for my first set of […]

Kaiser Cheifs live on stage

A Kaiser Chiefs Christmas

December 23, 2015 Zach 0

I’m what I’d now consider a Leeds lad having been in the city since I was 8 years old and it’s really become a part of me now. “You can take the boy out of […]

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